It’s time for A Song of Dan and Josh, the show where FanSided’s own Josh Hill and I walk through each and every chapter of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, breaking them down and seeing what makes them tick. I’ve read the books multiple times while Josh has only ever seen the show. The fun literally never stops.

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This week, we’re diving into Tyrion II from A Clash of Kings, a chapter where we really get a good idea of Tyrion’s political acumen. Let’s begin!
In many ways, this is the prototypical Tyrion chapter. It’s funny, it’s full of terrific dialogue, and it gets to the hear of what it means to be a successful politician in Westeros. Tyrion plays some dirty pool when he packs Janos Slynt off to the Wall, getting him drunk and even sentencing one man to an extrajudicial death. Yet he has a higher purpose in mind, and is truly trying to do right by people who can’t defend themselves, like Robert Baratheon’s infant daughter, killed by the sociopathic Allar Deem. Under Westeros’ monarchical system, maybe that’s the best we can hope for?
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Next week, we tackle Arya III, which if memory serves has some action. You can catch us live on our Facebook page on Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CST!
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