Captain Marvel beats box office projections, makes all the money, etc

Image: Disney
Image: Disney /

Hey, another new Marvel movie came out: Captain Marvel, about human-pilot-turned-alien-warrior-turned-human-warrior-who-can-fly Carol Danvers. Did it bust records and make all the money and set a new bar for solo superhero movies at the box office? Of course it did.


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Flippancy aside, Captain Marvel was a standout even by Marvel’s lofty box office standards. Variety reports that it pulled in $455 million this past weekend, $153 in the United States and $302 internationally. That means it had the sixth most lucrative opening weekend of all time, behind (in ascending order) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2Jurassic WorldStar Wars: The Force AwakensThe Fate of the Furious, and Marvel’s own Avengers: Infinity War. If you want to find a way to put it at the front of the line for something, and I do, it’s the biggest opening for a solo superhero movie ever.

Which, again, isn’t a shock. Every movie Marvel makes is a money magnet, but it’s good to see Captain Marvel succeed while breaking the mold in a couple of ways, most notably by featuring a woman as its main character. Captain Marvel is the first Marvel movie with a female lead and only the second superhero movie with a female lead since this new golden age for the genre began. With this corner well and truly turned, we’ll probably see more egalitarianism in our superhero movies for as long as the genre remains in fashion, which if Hollywood studios have their way will be forever plus a million years.

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