Emilia Clarke had a bit of a rough time grasping the fate of her Game of Thrones character, Daenerys Targaryen (Mother of Dragons, Breaker of chains, and so forth) after first reading the season 8 scripts. Before long, the fans will be mourning the end of an amazing series, but the cast members are already there, and you’ll be happy to know they have no idea how to get over it either.

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Clarke told the Press Association that after reading the final scripts for season 8, she spent three hours “walking around London aimlessly.” It’s hard to tell if it was from gloom or just shock that it was really ending. “It might as well have been raining and I would’ve just walked in it not knowing what to do.”
Something tells us a lot of fans will feel like this after Game of Thrones is over. Get ready for hordes of empty-eyed people wandering the streets. According to Clarke, not even alcohol helped her malaise:
"That was the moment I realized that alcohol can also be a depressant. I was kind of nursing a glass of wine going, ‘I don’t know why I’m not getting any happier from this.’"
This wasn’t the only interview Clarke gave recently. Everyone in the cast is currently making the press rounds, and in an interview with Movistar+, Clarke talked about the experience of playing a character as strong as Daenerys. She also mentions the thrill of engaging with all the practical sets and extras featured on the show, as opposed to filming scenes “in a green room on a green thing with like two people and a dog”:
"Voy a echar de menos interpretar la serenidad lúcida de Daenerys. Esa especie de energía que recibía de ella cuando tenía que actuar en una escena en la que hablaba a 300 personas. Eso es muy algo potente y estimulante. No te puedes esconder". Emilia Clarke #VivePoniente🐲 pic.twitter.com/hyaav5Kp5W
— Juego de Tronos en Movistar+ (@juegotronosplus) March 11, 2019
Clarke reflected on what she’ll miss most about playing Dany, and it’s something I hope she knows resonates with many of the fans:
"Her clearsighted straight-backed calmness is something I’ll miss inhabiting, I get energy from her."
Girl, we get so much energy and life from her too.
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h/t Esquire