Game of Thrones has no shortage of jaw-dropping moments, and many of them continue to influence the show’s direction going into the final season.
When Game of Thrones debuted on HBO, fans had no idea just how much the series would blow up. It was expected that readers of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series would tune in, along with any other fantasy lovers looking for a new show to binge. But no one could have predicted how the series would become a global phenomenon, an iconic entity in its own right.
Much of the popularity Game of Thrones has garnered comes from its ability to push the boundaries of what’s considered normal or acceptable when it comes to storytelling. While many series toe a certain line, careful not to reach into overly dark or offensive territory, Game of Thrones jumps into the breach. The series constantly surprises its viewers because it doesn’t hold back.
That unflinching refusal to rein itself in is part of what makes so many scenes so memorable. Game of Thrones is not a show most people will watch and forget; moments like the Red Wedding and the Battle of the Bastards continue to inspire conversations seasons after they’ve aired. And with the show approaching its final season, plenty of fans will want to rewatch their favorite scenes before the end.
These are the 30 most iconic moments from the show…so far. Let’s get to it!