Game of Thrones stars visit latenight shows, the Bud Knight is resurrected, and other funny stuff

The final season of Game of Thrones starts in just over a week, and the cast members are out in force letting the world know. What are they up to?


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To start, they’re hitting the latenight circuit. Check out Kit Harington’s appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, where he tries to give away spoilers for season 8 by winking. Does he succeed? You be the judge.

I love that he kept his statue from the Crypts of Winterfell teaser.

Next up, Conleth Hill (Varys) yuks it up on Late NIght with Seth Meyers:

Always fun to see Varys with a full head of hair. Lots of fun facts to know and tell here!

  • He went to the Game of Thrones season 8 premiere event with Debbie Harry of Blondie. Awesome.
  • Hill originally auditioned to play King Robert Baratheon. I think thing worked out.
  • “I’m a celebrity, don’t get me out of here.”
  • His brother does sound for the show? Neat.

Moving on, the Game of Thrones cast members do a high school yearbook thing. Biggest prankster on set? Who buys the first round at the bar? First to win an Oscar? Who will they most? Who would go furthest for the throne?

God, Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner are always so in synch. There’s, like, three instances here where they say the same thing in tandem.

Finally, remember when HBO and Bud Light teamed up for the world’s most brutal beer commercial, when the Mountain crushed the Bud Knight’s head a la Oberyn Martell?

Dilly dilly. Valar morghulis.

Well, Bud Light couldn’t leave their mascot like that, so in a new commercial to air this weekend, the Bud Light will be resurrected, Jon Snow-style:

Dilly dilly. Valar dohaeris.

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