Star Wars: Episode IX trailer and subtitle revealed!

Today at the Star Wars Celebration in Chicago, Disney released the very first trailer for Star Wars: Episode IX. Check it out:

There’s lots to unpack: we have Rey igniting a lightsaber and flipping over a TIE-Fighter, Rey hugging Leia, and of course, that ominous laugh at the end, which belongs to none other than Emperor Palpatine.

It looks like we might be getting some major callbacks to the original trilogy, what with Lando being in the film, a mysterious connection to Palpatine, and Luke as a Force ghost or something. And then there’s the subtitle: “The Rise of Skywalker.” Does that mean that Rey has been a Skywalker this whole time and the parentage reveal in The Last Jedi was a red herring meant to throw us off the scent?

Regardless, this was a great first teaser that gets this Star Wars fan’s blood flowing, and I can’t wait for December 20.

Oh, and just in case you were thinking the Palpatine laugh was just a fake out, ‎Ian McDiarmid (who played Emperor Palpatine) came out onto the Episode IX stage during the panel discussion before the reveal and used that iconic Palpatine voice to command the projectionist to play the footage again.

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