If you watched Game of Thrones Episode 803, “The Long Night,” then you know a surprise visitor made their way to Winterfell and helped the defenders as best they could. If you haven’t watched Episode 803, then I suggest you turn back now because we’re about to talk about some pretty cool moments from tonight’s episode.

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Still here? Well, praise R’llhor because the Red Priestess herself, Melisandre made her triumphant return to Game of Thrones and she used just about all the fire-power (pun intended) in her arsenal to help stop the dead…but was it enough?

When she first arrived, Melisandre had the Dothraki raise their arakhs and she said a blessing to her god, and the swords caught fire. Wights can be killed with firey swords, so this was a bonus…for a minute. That first charge of Dothraki calvary didn’t do so great.
Later, when the dead were trying to swarm through the barricades to get into Winterfell’s gates, it was Melisandre again who said a prayer and lit the trench on fire, buying the defenders time enough to make it inside. And, when Beric Dondarrion died saving Arya from the wights, Melisandre said he had finally served the purpose the Lord of Light had brought him back for.
And that’s where Melisandre’s prophecies come into play: She told Arya back in season 3 that she would see her again, and that she would shut many eyes: Brown eyes, Blue eyes, and Green eyes. Well, by killing the Night King, Arya shut those blue eyes forever.
With her final task done, Melisandre walked out of the front gate of Winterfell, removed her necklace and turned to dust. What a way to go out.
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