Well, if you’ve caught your breath after the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones (which we won’t ruin for you), here’s the preview trailer for the last EVER episode of the series. Something we never thought we’d type, but here we are. Should we be excited or sad?
First, for a trailer that clocks in at 37 seconds, there’s only about 15 seconds of actual footage. I suppose that’s to be expected from the Game of Thrones series finale, but we still wanted more! At any rate, while it might look like winter has finally come to King’s Landing, that snow is probably ash. Also, does it seem like the Dothraki and Unsullied suddenly multiplied? We hardly saw either in “The Bells,” and yet now it seems like their ranks are replenished.
The trailer is naturally light on individual reactions to Daenerys’ actions, but we do see Arya inside King’s Landing after leaving last episode. Would killing Dany be considered revenge, as the Hound was cautioning her against? Or just pure survival? What will Jon think of all this? We have so many questions!

Either way, this is the last episode we’re ever going to have of Game of Thrones. After Daenerys burnt King’s Landing to the ground, it will be time to pick up the pieces. Who lives happily ever after? Who joins the dearly departed? This is it, people! Our last episode of Game of Thrones!
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