Disney has always ruled the box office, and now it’s coming for your TVs, too.
It was no surprise when Disney first announced that it would be throwing its hat into the exciting world of streaming television; before the end of the year, it’s service Disney+ will compete with major players like Netflix.
To further establish a foothold, Disney now has control over streaming giant Hulu, reports Variety. It acquired a controlling stake in the company in a recent deal with Concast. Under the terms of the deal, Comcast is due to sell the rest of its stake in the company to Disney by 2024, but that’s just behind-the-scenes stuff. Effectively, Disney is at the wheel now.
NBCU CEO Steve Burke was pleased as could be, calling the deal “a perfect outcome for [them].”
I’ll be the first to admit that when Disney first announced its plan for streaming domination, I was skeptical and more than a little unhappy. Do we really need another streaming service when the market is so oversaturated? It’s become nearly impossible to catch all the good shows out there as they fragment out among different streaming services.
Disney anticipated these worries. Disney+ will run subscribers just $6.99 per month, and the company will likely eventually bundle it together with Hulu (and ESPN Plus) at a discount. In contrast to Disney+, Hulu will likely remain a place where viewers can enjoy shows and movies aimed at older audiences. In the end, it’ll be a lot of content in one place, at a price that’s hard to beat.

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Still, Disney+ is the company’s main focus at the moment. If all goes according to plan, we might be in for a new and improved streaming site that puts the once-innovative Netflix to shame. There’s just no resisting the Mouse when he sets his mind to something.
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