“Bark-nado,” and other things to look forward to on Rick and Morty

Well-publicized meltdowns in fast food restaurants aside, Rick and Morty is one of the most consistently inventive shows to come out of Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim block in a while. The fourth season kicks off this November, but that’s just the beginning. Cartoon Network finally caught wise to how popular the show had become and ordered 70 new episodes, which should fill out a few seasons, at least.

How will creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland come up with ideas for all of these new episodes? A couple of recent Instagram posts from Harmon give us a preview of what we’re in for:

Those are a lot of sticky notes.

All of these ideas come from writer Rob Schrab in a single day. I’ll just list them here:

  • Jerry gets a pinecone in his butt
  • Bark-nado
  • Wesley sniper
  • The People’s (Basketball) Court
  • Morty buy a boat
  • Jerry makes a log cabin with hair
  • Artificial person with real leg
  • Planet powered by chips and salsa
  • Anal beads
  • When-wolf
  • Detachable fingers (or toes)
  • Woman made of fish
  • Planet of no stop signs
  • Trench coat made of dreams
  • Voltron but with vegetables
  • Library of food
  • Invisible pigs
  • Blood shed
  • Maximum Overdrive but with grass
  • Rick discovers the 11th Commandment

Harmon is into that last one. I concur. I also bet we’ll see the planet of no stop signs, and I wouldn’t mind seeing what they could do with “When-wolf.”


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But most of these will probably be discarded. I’m sure there’s a cliche about there being one good idea for every hundred good ones out there.

Anyway, like I said, Rick and Morty is back this November. Then we can get a look at that trench coat made of dreams.

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h/t The A.V. Club