Game of Thrones and Stranger Things are both very popular shows that recently wrapped on new seasons. And when you’re popular, you’re talked about. But how much were people talking about the one compared to the other? When comparing the buzz surrounding the final season of Game of Thrones versus Stranger Things season 3, Business Insider found that GoT took the lead in a big way.
Let’s look at the numbers. Stranger Things 3 premiered on Netflix on the 4th of July and within the first four days, it clocked around 4 million mentions on Twitter. That’s a lot, but it pales in comparison to the 17 million Game of Thrones raked in following the season 8 premiere, according to data collected by social media research firm Fizziology. That’s about 13 million more than impressions than Stranger Things. Dang.
And this is with Stranger Things 3 going all in on marketing. In anticipation of the third season, Netflix partnered Coca Cola, Baskin Robbins, Burger King (those upside-down Whoppers, tho!) and more, and had a full-blown fan experience set up in Santa Monica. They weren’t messing around, but it’s hard to compete with some as massive as Game of Thrones. At least we’ll always have the Stranger Things ice cream.
Of course, Game of Thrones did a lot of marketing ahead of season 8, too. Re member the Limited Edition Game of Thrones Oreos? Well, they were mentioned on social media nearly 156,000 times ahead of the premiere, compared to around 56,000 mentions for the Stranger Things Coca Colo partnership. In the end, associated brands made more money off their relationship with Game of Thrones than with Stranger Things.
Or maybe people just like Oreos more than Coke?
Again, I’m not in total shock here, because I remember how mad everyone was to watch the final six episodes before they aired. Everyone was talking about it, everyone was knee-deep in recapping and discussion…you couldn’t escape the anticipation.
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Stranger Things 3 had hype, too, but it was never going to create the same level of buzz. There’s always season 4…
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