The Expanse was an under-seen, much beloved show over on SyFy, about a time in the future after Earth has colonized Mars to the point where people who live on that planet consider themselves separate and apart from us Earth-dwellers. Tensions are brewing between the factions, with the Belters — people who live and work on the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter — caught in the middle.
The Expanse, based on a series of novels by James S. A. Corey, was a cult hit, but SyFy cancelled it after its third season. Happily, Amazon picked it right up, with a fourth season set to air soon. In advance of The Expanse panel at San Diego Comic-Con this Saturday, Amazon has released a poster for the upcoming fourth season. Check it out:
“Season 3 left off with the Protomolecule forming the Ring Gate in the outer reaches of Earth’s solar system,” reads a synopsis from Amazon. “In Season 4, by using the Ring Gate, humanity now has access to thousands of Earth-like planets — and Ilus is the first one to be explored. Much of the conflict in the first 3 seasons has been between the warring nations of Earth, Mars and the Belt. In Season 4, the existence of habitable planets on the other side of the Ring Gate creates a land rush. However, these early explorers don’t understand these new worlds and are not prepared for the dangers that await them.”
So it’s off to the habitable planet of Ilus for our heroes! IGN has a collection of images from the fourth season; what does this brave new world look like?
Okay, it’s a little barren, but we can work with this.
Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashlo) is still very much in the mix.
Above we have James Holden (Steven Strait) and Namoi Nagata (Dominique Tipper) embracing on the planet’s surface. Interestingly, in the book this new season is based on — Cibola Burn — Naomi doesn’t spent much time on the surface of Ilus, instead spending a good chunk of the book on the Rocinante, the ship that’s been a kind of home for the crew since early on. “Certain storylines in that novel were focused on characters other than the Roci crew,” explained showrunner Naren Shankar, “but when we started working on the adaptation for Season 4, we realized we had an opportunity to tell a critical storyline about Belters’ ability to live in (what we would call) ‘normal’ gravity through Naomi and Alex—it’s deeply moving and connects them in a way we haven’t seen before. And who said we keep them planetside…?”
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Shankar also explained what being on Amazon allows them to do…and maybe threw a little shade at SyFy while he was at it. “We’re no longer bound by the archaic content, language, and runtime restrictions you’re constantly forced to deal with on broadcast and basic cable…The shows on Amazon Prime speak for themselves: this is a platform that values complex, layered storytelling, and we’re thrilled to be on it — it’s the perfect home for The Expanse.”
Look to learn more at SDCC!
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