Last month, I had the pleasure of attending Con of Thrones, the world’s premiere Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire convention. I talked to fans about the ending, checked out some of the amazing cosplay, got a bottle cap shot off my head, and more. It was a tremendously good time.
I also got to appear on a few panels, which was an absolute blast. Presented for your listening and watching pleasure, check out me and my fellow panelists talk all things Game of Thrones below, starting with a discussion of “How Game of Thrones Changed TV Forever.”
Yes, “forever” is a big word, but I think we’ll be seeing the effects of Game of Thrones on TV for a long time to come, if not in these ways then in ways we haven’t even thought of yet.
I was also on “The Spinoff Panel,” where we all discussed our hopes, dreams and fears for Blood Moon, HBO’s Game of Thrones follow-up. Settle in:
And finally, I was on a panel all about the life and times of Cersei Lannister. Watch below as we stan the Lioness Queen of the Seven Kingdoms for an hour:
Thanks to Con of Thrones for letting me on these panelists and thanks to my fellow panelists! I had a great time. For those who weren’t at the con themselves, I hope these videos provide some good fodder for you while you’re folding laundry or running out the clock at work or whatever.

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If you want more Con of Thrones panels, head to our YouTube page! We recorded a bunch.
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