Jason Isaacs really wants to return to his Star Trek role

If you had the pleasure of watching the first season of Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access, then you probably enjoyed Jason Isaacs in the role of Captain Lorca.

As it ends up, Lorca wasn’t who he said he was — he was actually from a mirror dimension, and fleeing the wrath of the empress of the Terran Empire. In any case, his character was killed in the final episodes of season 1, but there are multiple universes in the Star Trek canon, and that means there are other versions of Lorca wandering around just waiting to make cameo appearances in other shows. Speaking at a Q&A at the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas, Isaacs talked about the sadness he felt when his character was killed:

"I knew going in that I was doing just one season…It felt like a great thing to do and I felt fine about it, but as I got close to everyone and close to and understood the significance of Star Trek and the brilliant storytelling and what it means in the world, I felt the loss of that."

Captain Lorca Star Trek Discovery CBS All Access

And would Isaacs return to Trek if asked? “How do you know I am not already? [grin] Of course I would do it. I loved it!”

"So, I have talked to them plenty. Where and when? Nobody ever dies. There is a Prime Lorca. There are three different shows coming out and multiple seasons, and if I can squeeze back into that eight-year-olds’ uniform, would do. Who wouldn’t want to do it again? They are timeless stories."

As for how Isaacs sees himself reprising the role of Gabriel Lorca, he’s on it. “The point about the Mirror world that we built is it wasn’t meant to be how it was in ‘Mirror, Mirror,’” he said. “This was meant to be a Darwinian universe, just with a different political attitude that the strong should rule the weak.”

"I don’t think he would be that many miles away from Prime Lorca. It wasn’t a coincidence that I sneaked the line in: ‘Let’s make the Empire glorious again.’ It’s about a different political attitude…I think Prime Lorca would be pretty much the same."

So Isaacs really, really wants to return to Star Trek, and he has some ideas about how. Michelle Yeoh was able to return for season 2, despite Prime Georgiou dying in the first episodes of season 1. She came back as Emperor Georgiou, the leader of the Terran Empire who hitched a ride with the Discovery when the ship jumped back into the Prime universe.


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There’s your in, Isaacs. Now we need to get the Discovery producers on board. I hope you’re reading, CBS. Lots of old Star Trek characters are coming back for Picard. What’s one more?

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h/t TrekMovie.com