So it is written, so it shall be: the internet loves Keanu Reeves, and everything he says shall henceforth be considered verbal gold. Between the success of the John Wick movies, adorable appearances at video game conferences, and the news of a new Matrix movie on the way, the guy is a having a major revival. The Keanussance is in full swing.
That Matrix news is particularly big. Although it’s hard to remember now, the three Matrix movies were HUGE back in the late ’90s and early ’00s, setting off a wave of stylistic action movies and turning Reeves into a blockbuster star. Original director Lana Wachowski is returning to write and direct the new movie (doesn’t sound like sister Lilly is involved this time), with Reeves returning as chosen one Neo and Carrie-Anne Moss coming back as Trinity.
Now, stepping out at the premiere of Semper Fi, a movie produced by his sister Karina Miller, Reeves is talking about the movie for the first time, dubbing the script “very ambitious.”
“As it should be!” he added. It would pretty much have to be. Because if you don’t remember (SPOILER for a 16-year-old movie incoming), both Neo and Trinity died at the end of The Matrix Revolutions, so if they’re coming back, the script has some ‘splaining to do.
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Then again, when you’re writing about a post-apocalyptic future where robots plug human beings into a realistic fantasy world and harvest the electricity their bodies produce to power their civilization, you probably have a lot of options when it comes to resurrecting dead characters. Maybe we’ll only see digital clones of Neo and Trinity within the Matrix itself. Maybe they’ll be revived by some kind of advanced future-surgery. Maybe the robots were also in a Matrix the whole time — a super-Matrix, if you will — and they have to team up with the humans to fight real enemy: super-genius dolphins.
I think I’ve blown this thing wide open. The Matrix 4 is supposed to start production early next year.
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h/t ETOnline