Take the Black Podcast: Watchmen, The Mandalorian and meat glue

Welcome to another wild and whacky episode of the Take the Black Podcast with House Razor, the uncooked chicken and duck resting comfortably inside Take the Black Live with House Selcke’s Thanksgiving turducken. This week, we discuss Disney’s The Mandalorian, HBO’s His Dark Materials, and continue to gush about Watchmen. Can you tell it’s fall TV season?

As usual, the Take the Black Podcast is rife with falling F-bombs. And, we do talk about the latest episodes of The Mandalorian and Watchmen, so if you’re not caught up on either show, tread lightly and beware of SPOILERS. Otherwise, listen below!

A quick topic rundown:

  • Baby Yoda is amazing and I want one.
  • The musical score for The Mandalorian is amazing and adds so much depth to the show.
  • We’re all glad the series is brave enough to have short-ish episodes. Will this be a trend among upcoming shows? Can it be?
  • Will Doctor Manhattan appear on Watchmen? And who is the mysterious Lady Trieu?
  • Is it possible for the show to get even better in the back half of its already amazing first season?

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Before you go, remember to check out Take the Black Live with House Selcke on the Winter is Coming Facebook page every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CST. Valar Morghulis, y’all.

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