More concept art from Colin Trevorrow’s scrapped Star Wars movie

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has come and gone, but we’re now getting more and more information about director Colin Trevorrow’s never-made version of the movie.

If you’re unfamiliar with the situation, Trevorrow was the original director for Episode IX until Lucasfilm brought in Abrams, who directed 2015’s The Force Awakens, to finish what he started. Trevorrow’s movie was called Star Wars: Duel of the Fates, and lately we’ve been seeing a lot of concept art for how different things could have been.

Lately, a bunch of new pieces of concept art showed up on Imgur. Feel free to flip through below, and we’ll hit some of the highlights.

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To start, who does BB-8 think he’s fooling in the first photo? That’s literally like Superman wearing glasses to hide his identity from the world. I see you, BB-8.

While BB-8 is trying to be conspicuous, Rey, Finn and Poe fight the First Order elsewhere. I really dig Rey’s double-bladed lightsaber and black garb look below, as well as the black armor Poe and Finn are rocking.

My only problem is this concept art reminds me too much of Luke, Han and Leia escaping the Empire in A New Hope, although that might be the point.

In this next shot, Chewie tosses a Knight of Ren into the air and uses him for target practice. If this were in The Rise of Skywalker, it would have been the coolest Star Wars scene since…huh.

At some point in Trevorrow’s original script, Rey and Kylo go to an ethereal realm within the Force called Mortis to fight. Mortis was featured in a very popular arc from The Clone Wars animated show. It would have been a kick to see it on the big screen:

Here’s Kylo Ren, siphoning life force from a tree. I’ll bet he litters, too.

As in The Rise of Skywalker, Kylo Ren gets his mask back, although in the concept art for Trevorrow’s movie it looks brand new, rather than pieced back together from the fragments of the old one:

Also featuring in Duel of the Fates: more Force Ghosts! Including Force Ghost Yoda:

Finally, at the end of Duel of the Fates, Rey teaches at a new Jedi Hogwarts:

The more concept art from Colin Trevorrow’s Star Wars movie I see, the more I wish Disney/Lucasfilm hadn’t fired him. Although the grass is always greener; had Duel of the Fates actually come out, maybe we’d be pining for a different version.

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