20 burning questions we need answered in The Mandalorian season 2

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The first season of The Mandalorian on Disney+ was a lot of space western fun, but while the show answered some of its big questions in the season 1 finale, it introduced just as many. Din Djarin, the Mandalorian, isn’t a pureblood Mandalorian, so exactly where is he from? What is “The Night of 1,000 Tears?” Where is Baby Yoda’s home planet? Why does Moff Gideon want Baby Yoda so badly? Will we see some Skywalker Saga characters pass through? So many questions.

We’ve already discussed what we know about The Mandalorian, but there remains plenty we don’t know, so we’ve soldiered ahead and assembled 20 of the most burning questions we hope are answered in season 2. Let’s fire up our whistling birds, don our jet packs and dive in!