A Jason Momoa coloring book exists

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Wednesday programming to bring you glad tidings: a coloring book full of images of Jason Momoa — Aquaman, Khal Drogo of Game of Thrones fame — exists, you you can have it.

Published by St. Martin’s Press, the full title of the book is Crush and Color: Jason Momoa: A Coloring Book of Fantasies With an Epic Dreamboat, by Maurizio Campidelli. Now that’s a title. I don’t know what else I can say but show you some of the images in this book, images of a gentle giant enjoying the natural world, sleeves optional:

Image: Amazon Image: Amazon Image: Amazon Image: Amazon

As one reviewer points out, it’s a little odd that these images feature Momoa’s hair already colored black, because then how are you going to streak it red with the blood of his enemies? But mostly, this looks like a good time.

Incidentally, this same author has also behind coloring books dedicated to Keanu Reeves and Idris Elba, and if life is fair there will be more on the way. Richard Madden? Dwayne Johnson? Just spitballing here.

Anyway, Crush and Color: Jason Momoa: A Coloring Book of Fantasies With an Epic Dreamboat is available on Amazon, although it looks like they’re out of stock as of this writing. Barnes & Noble look like they have it, though.

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h/t VT