It’s not polite to gossip…but it is fun. So it goes with rumors about follow-up series to fantastically popular HBO shows. Is there any truth to a new rumor about HBO being interested in making “a Game of Thrones sequel miniseries”? Smart money’s on no, but it’s fun to spin it around the old noggin.
This rumor comes from We Got This Covered, which has a less-than-stellar track record when it comes to breaking stories like this. I mean, there’s a chart and everything:
Everyone who's aware of WGTC know that they're unreliable, but this just proves it with numbers. Here are the results from a year of scoops.
— Pierre Chanliau (@Pierre_Chanliau) December 31, 2019
Only 1.2% of them have been correct and even then, some of those were me throwing them a bone.
Now, why do they have so many "unconfirmed" scoops? Because the vast majority of them cannot be reliably denied or confirmed at this time.
— Pierre Chanliau (@Pierre_Chanliau) December 31, 2019
Here's a chart WITHOUT "unconfirmed" articles being taken into account.
Anyway, this particular report has it that HBO is hoping to make a Game of Thrones miniseries set after the end of the show, and is looking for both Kit Harington (Jon Snow) and Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) to return.
“But wait,” you say, “didn’t Daenerys die in the series finale?” Why, yes she did. But apparently the sequel show would “seemingly involve Dany coming back to life somehow.”
Now, the Game of Thrones universe is flexible enough for something like that to be possible — characters have been resurrected before, certainly have fans have theorized on where Drogon took Dany’s body at the end — but theories are one thing and making a sequel that reverses the conclusion of the series is another.
Plus, HBO already has splashy Game of Thrones prequel show in development — House of the Dragon — and none of the principal Game of Thrones cast members seem eager to return to their characters anytime soon. Best to let things breathe a while.
To be fair, WGTC qualifies that this miniseries “isn’t 100% going ahead but is being discussed,” which covers their bases nicely. I’d treat this unsubstantiated rumor as just that and move on…But if you can’t, the internet will always provide:
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