The Snyder Cut will run nearly four hours, be “separate” from DCEU continuity

If you’re hoping for the Snyder Cut of Justice League to tie seamlessly into later DCEU movies, you may be disappointed. It’s long as hell, though.

A couple months back, we learned that Warner Bros. was heeding the call of DC fans everywhere and making the Snyder Cut, a version of 2017’s Justice League that preserves director Zach Snyder’s original vision (he had to leave the project early due to a family emergency). Will it be the amazing experience so many have prophesied it will?

Snyder talked to YouTube channel Beyond the Trailer and dropped a few details. He’s now working “pretty much full-time on Justice League,” editing and conferencing from home until everything is just right.

One of the big takeaways is just how monstrously lengthy this thing might be. The current run time floated is 214 minutes, which breaks down to three hours and 34 minutes, but Snyder says it’s shaping up to be longer still. “Now, in its current state, it’s gonna end up being longer than that yet. [It’s] exciting to bring all this new material to the fans. They get to see all these crazy and awesome new sequences.”

That tracks with what we’ve heard about Warner Bros. possibly releasing the Snyder Cut in episodes, cause that’s a long time to sit in front of a screen without an intermission or something. Also, Snyder clarifies that he’s “still working on it,” so that number could go down…or up.

The other interesting thing to come out of this interview is Snyder saying that fans shouldn’t expect the Snyder Cut to fit perfecting with the continuity established by later movies in the DC Extended Universe. It’ll be consistent with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the other DC movies that Snyder has worked on, but if you’re hoping for a seamless transition into stuff like Aquaman or Shazam!, you may be disappointed.

“It’s kind of separate now from…the DC Universe cinematic universe in continuity,” Snyder said. “It’s divergent in that way and I think that that’s a good thing.”

"To look at it as a really sharp continuity I think would be a mistake…In a lot of ways, the theatrical version of Justice League is tighter in continuity to what they’re doing now with the DCEU, because frankly that was a where they were in charge of the elements…It’s going to be divergent in some ways, just by it’s nature. And I think that’s a thing you want, because it just allows [for] more and more."

Apparently Snyder hasn’t seen the theatrical cut, by the way. He also says he’s excited for new DC movies around the corner, like Wonder Woman 1984 and The Batman.

If all goes well, the Snyder Cut will be out on HBO Max early next year, and we’ll see whether this grand experiment pays off.

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