Stranger Things star David Harbour (Sheriff Hopper) and Lily Allen marry in Vegas


Stranger Things star David Harbour (Sheriff Hopper) marries singer Lily Allen (sister of Alfie “Theon Greyjoy” Allen) in a quick fun Vegas ceremony. Check out the pictures!

Between a pandemic, civil unrest and a US state literally on fire, we all know 2020 isn’t going super well. Why not take a quick break and enjoy these shots of Stranger Things star David Harbour (Sheriff Hopper) getting married to pop star Lily Allen in Las Vegas this past weekend?

That pink-white Jackie O-looking number Allen is wearing is officially the chicest wedding dress I’ve ever seen, for what it’s worth…which isn’t much:

Fun side note: there’s a chance that Game of Thrones star Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy) was at the wedding, since he’s Lily’s brother, although I don’t see him in any of the pictures. Lily even wrote a song about him once, about how he was such a lazy do-nothing when he was younger. It’s called “Alfie.”

He got better.

Anyway, Harbour capped off the happy occasion with a couple of pictures and a caption that capture the surreal feeling of this wedding in this moment in time:

"In a wedding officiated by the king himself, the people’s princess wed her devoted, low born, but kind credit card holder in a beautiful ceremony lit by the ashen skies courtesy of a burning state miles away in the midst of a global pandemic.Refreshments were served at a small reception following."

Hey, weird happiness is still happiness.

We’ll be able to see Harbour in the fourth season of Stranger Things sooner or later — hopefully next year — although production on that show has been affected by the aforementioned global pandemic, and the California wildfires can’t be helping, either. Until then, this is a fun stop-gap.

Next. Game of Thrones cast and crew members honor Diana Rigg. dark

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