11 best Halloween-themed TV episodes to binge

Shudder Presents New 24/7 Streaming Trick ‘r Treat Ghoul Log Inspired by Dougherty’s Iconic Halloween Anthology Film. Image courtesy Shudder
Shudder Presents New 24/7 Streaming Trick ‘r Treat Ghoul Log Inspired by Dougherty’s Iconic Halloween Anthology Film. Image courtesy Shudder
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Goosebumps: “The Haunted Mask,” Parts 1 and 2

If you grew up in the ’90s then you got to experience Goosebumps in its heyday. Sure, Goosebumps is still popular, but I remember a time when I was waiting with bated breath for another book to release. They were really scary for your average seven-year-old, and then the TV show took the scares to a whole new level. We actually were able to see the books come to life. Granted, it was with bad Canadian acting and ’90s fashion sense, but we loved it all the same.

If you ask any fan to name their favorite Goosebumps story, many will say The Haunted Mask. Even as an adult, the concept is particularly frightening. Carly Beth is a scaredy cat and her friends make fun of her for how she is afraid of everything. She decides that she wants to scare them for a change and gets a really scary mask at a local Halloween shop. The masks almost seem alive, and she picks the most grotesque one on the shelf. She also carries a replica of her head on a stick. The problem is that every time she puts the mask on, it becomes harder and harder to remove it.

Things get truly terrifying when the mask can’t be removed at all. I remember being scared out of my mind when I was young. Even though I notice the crappy acting now, it still is one of the most iconic Halloween episodes (a two-parter to boot) ever.