Iwan Rheon’s (Ramsay Bolton) favorite Game of Thrones episode is from season 8


Iwan Rheon took part in “Battle of the Bastards,” one of the best action episodes in TV history. But he’s impressed by another of the show’s action scenes.

Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Bolton) has been in some pretty special episodes of Game of Thrones, not least of all his last one, “Battle of the Bastards,” which set a new standard for action scenes on TV.

That said, his favorite episode may surprise you, since it comes from the very divisive eighth and final season of the show. Rheon spoke to NME about that last stretch of episodes, which didn’t include any Boltons at all. “It was always gonna be divisive,” he said. “I don’t think it was gonna be any other way, to be honest. Obviously, you can’t please everyone.”

"I felt that they made a very strong decision to where they thought the season would go and I think they went with it and told the story really well. I thought the ‘Battle of Winterfell’ was absolute genius, the best television I’ve ever seen. I thought it was really brave and they went for it."

He’s talking about “The Long Night,” the episode with the final showdown against the White Walkers. A lot of fans dinged that episode for being too dark to see, but it definitely had its spectacular moments.

Rheon also weighed in on the “hilarious” petition to remake the final season, which gained just shy of two million signatures. “Who was doing the petition – Jeff Bezos?” he quipped.

Then there were the comments from fellow Game of Thrones star Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister), who admitted live on television to being “confused” by the final season. “I got to the very end and I thought, ‘hmm, ok.’.”

Rheon was extremely diplomatic about that, a far cry from how Ramsay Bolton would act. “There’s always controversy and loyalty, but I guess at the end of the day he’s entitled to his own opinion, as any fan is,” he said. “I’ve got no problem with him saying what he wants to say, and why should anyone? It’s his opinion.”

Rheon recently took part in Screamfest IV: The Kraken’s Revenge, a “real life video game” where people could control what he did. You’ll also be able to catch him in the third season of American Gods, airing early next year.

Next. Matching 50 Game of Thrones characters with each of the 50 states. dark

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