The Flash returned this week for its season 7 premiere, leaving fans with lots of questions regarding the fate of one character in particular.
The episode, “All’s Well That Ends Well,” picked up where the show left off at the “end” of season 6, which was cut short due to production shutting down during the COVID-19 pandemic. It addressed Barry Allen/The Flash’s (Grant Gustin) deteriorating speed, which was down to 1%. To get it back, Team Flash had to come up with a way to power the Artificial Speed Force, or ASF. Unfortunately, this required the sacrifice of Nash Wells (Tom Cavanagh), who contained within him the multiversal particles that would help power the device that could power the ASF.
While the mission is successful and Barry gets his speed back, we had to say goodbye to Nash Wells (along with the Council of Wells). But was this really goodbye? Not according to showrunner Eric Wallace, who spoke to Entertainment Weekly about that plot twist.
Will Tom Cavanagh return to The Flash?
“Tom Cavanagh is still part of the show,” Wallace said. “I would just say that we’ve already seen there’s an infinite numbers of Wellses. Just because they’re all dead doesn’t mean that should change. And Tom Cavanagh has more to do in season 7 — much more to do.”
How exactly Wells will come back, we don’t know, but The Flash has found plenty of ways to revive him in the past. And even with the Council of Wells being sacrificed alongside Nash, rest assured, he’ll find a way to return.
My vote? An A.I. hologram projection. Chances are he’s backed up in the system somewhere, and may even operate as a Gideon-like A.I.. Possibilities are endless here, so I’m excited to see what they came up with.
Arrowverse cameos are coming to The Flash
And Nash Wells isn’t the only character set to return. We can apparently expect characters from around the Arrowverse to pop up. Speaking with, Wallace said he’s “working on” getting Arrow’s Echo Kellum to appear as Mr. Terrific, but with COVID-19 safety protocols, it may not happen until later in the season or even next season. But whenever it does, I’m so here for it. Kellum’s portrayal of Mr. Terrific was always a hilarious part of Arrow, and he grew to be such an integral part of the team, so it’d be nice to have him back in some capacity.

As far as other guest stars go, we already know David Ramsey (Diggle) is appearing across multiple Arrowverse shows including Superman & Lois, Supergirl, The Flash, Batwoman, and in a mystery role in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Most fans are hoping that we see Diggle take on the mantle of Green Lantern, which was hinted at in the Arrow series finale after Diggle finds an emerald ring after moving to Metropolis.
Wallace also hopes to bring Wally West back into the mix at some point, but that’s easier said that done considering how busy actor Keiynan Lonsdale is. But fingers crossed that we’ll see Kid Flash again at some point.
It’s exciting to see Arrowverse shows returning after a longer-than-expected hiatus due to the pandemic. We’re off to a good start with The Flash and Superman & Lois, and there is still plenty more to come!
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