“Cap is Back!” The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has officially introduced us to John Walker, the first character to pick up the iconic shield and become the second Captain America. However, we’re merely two episodes into the latest MCU drama and the newly hired hero — played by Wyatt Russell — is already making fans cry out for the return of Steve Rogers. So what makes him different from his fan-favorite predecessor?
It might still be too soon to introduce a new Cap and have fans accept him, or perhaps Chris Evans is simply irreplaceable. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Russell weighed in on the very difficult task of being a new Cap. “What I thought was interesting about John is that Steve was a soldier from a different era,” he said. “They’re both soldiers from different eras, and the era of John is very different than the era of Steve. The type of military men who are going to Iraq and Afghanistan was different because the time was different, and the grey area now, you see everything. Everything’s filmed. There’s a much different way of fighting now. You go in guns blazing first and ask questions later.”
"[Steve was] fighting for something more than just getting the job done. John’s the type of guy who’s like, ‘Look, you want me to do the job? I will finish the job for you… Sometimes that might require things in the grey areas where you are not comfortable but I am, and I need to be able to do my job."
We saw a glimpse of this “my way or the highway” attitude when John warned Sam (Anthony Mackie) and Bucky (Sebastian Stan) to “stay the hell out” of his way after they refused to team up with him.
At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Steve gifted his shield to Sam Wilson. However, Sam felt the shield “belonged to someone else” and turned it over to the Smithsonian. But Walker didn’t have any problem accepting it. “Everybody has this idea of imposter syndrome to a degree, like even Sam at the beginning,” Russell said. “[Sam] didn’t necessarily feel comfortable with being Captain America. He didn’t feel right. Everybody deals with those things differently. So, it’s a big difference between this guy [John] and Steve. He’s a little bit more of a [jump in] head first type guy.”
Will we learn what’s going on with Steve Rogers, the original Captain America?
There’s still a chance — a small one — that an elderly Steve Rogers is out there in the world watching all of this happen. Talking to Empire Magazine, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige teased that while it’s “a fair presumption” to think Steve is still alive and well, it’s “not necessarily the case.” Still, Feige did say that the show will address Cap’s situation “in a roundabout way,” whatever that means.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier continues Fridays on Disney+!
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h/t SyFy Wire