Amazon Prime Video’s animated adaptation of Robert Kirkman and Ryan Ottley’s long-running superhero comic Invincible is one of the year’s breakthrough TV shows. The series had a huge presence at Comic-Con this past weekend, where Kirkman did what he does best: tease huge things to come!
In an era where superhero shows are popping up everywhere, Invincible managed to stand out with its in-depth and ultra-violent storytelling. It may have left us on a cliffhanger (Where did Omni-Man go?), but we’ll soon have all the answers. Amazon wasted no time in renewing the series for an additional two seasons. There’s still so much more story to be told.
During Comic-Con@Home, Kirkman spent plenty of time answering fan questions about what’s on the horizon for the animated series:
Invincible season 2 will change things from the comics
Given how many fans have already read the comics and know the general path ahead, some folks anticipated some spoiler-y talk about the upcoming seasons. However, Kirkman made it clear that he wanted to talk to newer fans as well. “It wouldn’t be fair,” he said.
But he could still tease that the new season will be paced about the same as the first. And sometimes, the story will expand beyond the comics. “The show will progress about the way season 1 did. Future seasons will sometimes hue closely to the comic and sometimes stray. We’re making plans to do the entirety of the comic in a cool way. We want to plus up and change stuff in a big way, as we did with the fight between Invincible and Omni Man in season 1.”
Kirkman also teased the arrival of Conquest, a badass, ridiculously powerful warrior from the Viltrumite Empire who takes pride in killing.
"I think we’re all looking forward to seeing Conquest. I think we got a small glimpse of Conquest in Season 1 and hopefully we’ll be seeing him very soon. I know there’s a lot of tweaks to that story, a lot of enhancements to that story that I’m very excited about, that I’ve been cooking up and so I can’t wait for that."
As for who will voice the character, Kirkman has his eyes fixed on one potential candidate. “I’ve got the perfect actor in mind, but I ain’t saying nothing.”
Finally, Kirkman hinted at the introduction of fan-favorite multiverse-jumping villain Angstrom Levy in season 1. SPOILER: In the comics, Levy collects hundreds of different versions of himself from across the multiverse and fuses them all together.
Invincible season 1 currently has no release date. While we’re waiting, season 1 is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video!
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