Welcome to The Wheel of Time, a fantastical story of legendary heroes and terrifying villains, with a complicated magic system to boot. Amazon’s upcoming television adaptation has turned the spotlight on Moiraine, a gifted and dedicated sorceress of the White Tower. She’s an Aes Sedai tasked with finding the Dragon Reborn, a messianic figure equipped with the power to stand against the Dark One. As author Robert Jordan writes in The Eye of the World, the first novel in his 14-book series:
"‘The One Power,’ Moiraine was saying, ‘comes from the True Source, the driving force of Creation, the force the Creator made to turn the Wheel of Time.’ She put her hands together in front of her and pushed them against each other. ‘Saidin, the male half of the True Source, and saidar, the female half, work against each other and at the same time together to provide that force. Saidin’—she lifted one hand, then let it drop—’is fouled by the touch of the Dark One, like water with a thin slick of rancid oil floating on top. The water is still pure, but it cannot be touched without touching the foulness. Only saidar is still safe to be used.’"
Those with the ability to access the “One Power” are called “channelers.” Very few are able, but the women who can channel saidar are trained at the White Tower to become Aes Sedai sorceresses, while the men who can channel saidin are hunted out of fear that the foulness Moiraine speaks of will drive them to insanity, since no one wants an insane wizard running around.
Once a student of the White Tower trains long enough to earn their serpent ring and are bound by the Oath Rod, they become full sisters of the Tower and choose one of the seven colored Ajahs of the Aes Sedai. They also drop their last name in favor of the title “Sedai.”
Introducing our new series, "The Wheel of Time - Explained" where we help a #FirstWoTimer get acquainted while avoiding spoilers. First up, Rosamund Pike explains the Aes Sedai. #TheWheelOfTime pic.twitter.com/NlsShJsYHN
— The Wheel Of Time (@TheWheelOfTime) October 22, 2021
Moiraine Damodred trained at the White Tower as a teenager, and in six years rose to the rank of Aes Sedai alongside Siuan Sanche. Moiraine had the benefit of a classical education in the Old Tongue and knew much of the politics and history of the world before she arrived at the Tower. With the knowledge that the Dragon had been reborn on the slopes of the Dragonmount, she set out on her quest.
What can Moiraine do in The Wheel of Time?
Upon arriving in the Two Rivers, Moiraine Sedai is one of the more powerful channelers in the world. In the books, she can create earthquakes and walls of fire. In the trailers, we see her casting fireballs and calling down lightning.
She looks forward, he's got her back. Moiraine & Lan are a duo not to be trifled with. #TheWheelOfTime premieres November 19 on Amazon Prime! pic.twitter.com/FYOvAvjxjp
— The Wheel Of Time (@TheWheelOfTime) November 8, 2021
Moraines possesses two Talents — special abilities among channelers beyond their ability to access the One Power. Moiraine is exceptionally gifted in Healing. Many Aes Sedai are able to heal different types of wounds, mental or physical, with the use of the One Power. Moiraine has also been known to control the weather, as she does at Taren Ferry when she creates a great fog. “There are not 10 women in Tar Valon who could do that unaided,” she says. “Not to mention from the back of a galloping horse.”
She also taught herself the trick of eavesdropping from a distance, which comes in handy. To do this, Moiraine uses her kesiera — a blue jewel on a fine golden chain worn around her forehead — as a focus point. Showrunner Rafe Judkins confirmed it would appear in the show, and it appears from teasers and trailer that she’ll be wearing it while in Tar Valon.
In a clip, viewers learn that Moiraine will also be carrying a magical artifact known as an angreal, which allows her to draw on more of the One Power than she would could normally. She’ll have her hands full dealing with Trollocs and worse as her quest continues, and that angreal will be there to help her in a squeeze along with her warder, Lan.
The first three episodes of The Wheel of Time drop on November 19!
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