The Last Kingdom has been one of the most consistent period-piece war drama shows that we’ve had in a while. Over four seasons, Uhtred of Bebbanburg (Alexander Dreymon) has been a warlord, a servant to a king, a husband, father, and anonymous wanderer. At some point this year we’ll be back in 10th Century England with him and the rest of the show’s stellar cast for the its fifth and final season. We don’t know when it’s coming to Netflix yet, but considering that the show wrapped filming all the way back in June 2021, it could basically drop at any time. In fact, the team behind The Last Kingdom is already hard at work on their next project.
The Last Kingdom is based on The Saxon Stories book series by Bernard Cornwell (previously called The Saxon Tales), which finished in 2020 with book number 13, War Lord. The Last Kingdom has roughly adapted two books per season, which means five seasons won’t be enough to tell the whole story. So it came as a welcome surprise when Netflix announced it would be doing a follow-up movie to The Last Kingdom: the two-hour special Seven Kings Must Die.
We have officially started filming Seven Kings Must Die.
— The Last Kingdom (@TheLastKingdom) January 31, 2022
Now that is special…#TheLastKingdom
The Last Kingdom movie begins filming
Dreymon himself took over The Last Kingdom Twitter account to announce that Seven Kings Must Die officially started filming as of January 31. “I’m on the set of The Last Kingdom,” he said. “The first time I was on this set was in November 2014, and back then I had no idea that we were gonna get to stay on this wonderful adventure for as long as we have. Today, we are on the first day of The Last Kingdom special.”
He went on to thank the fans for supporting the show before fellow actor Arnas Fedaravicius (Sihtric) crashes the video.
It’ll likely be a while before we get to see Seven Kings Must Die, so until then we’ll just have to sit with our questions. Who are these seven kings? Why must they die? Perhaps we’ll get some clues in season 5.
Aelswith actor teases The Last Kingdom season 5 coming “super soon”
Dreymon and Fedaravicius aren’t the only actors from The Last Kingdom taking to social media. Eliza Butterworth, who plays the Lady Aelswith in the show, also posted to her Instagram account to tease that season 5 is “coming to [Netflix] suuuuper sooooon.” It’s not a solid date, but it’s certainly enough to have us watching the Netflix release announcements like a hawk.
The Last Kingdom seasons 1-4 are currently available on Netflix. Season 5 is due out sometime in 2022.
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