Have you ever been doing a crossword puzzle and come across a clue you didn’t recognize? One such popular clue is “Beast in Lord of the Rings.”
The Lord of the Rings is a famous trilogy of fantasy books written by J.R.R. Tolkien. The mythology is complicated and dense, and includes a fair number of nasty beasties. Which one are you looking for? Maybe the number of spaces can clue you in, or maybe you already have a letter or two filled out.
Lord of the Rings beast
Here is a list of some of beasts in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth:
- Orc: The classic, these monstrous foot soldiers of Sauron are not to be messed with.
- Goblin: Tolkien had a habit in his books of using “Orc” and “goblin” interchangeably, but in general, goblins are thought to be a bit smaller than their Orcish counterparts.
- Uruk-Hai: A kind of super-Orc created by Saruman in The Lord of the Rings.
- Warg: A large wolf-life creature that can be ridden like a horse.
- Troll: Trolls can grow to be as much as 50 feet tall and turn to stone in the sunlight.
- Ent: Ents are peaceful tree creatures who do things in their own time.
- Fellbeast: The frightful Nazgul ride the winged Fellbeasts into battle.
- Balrog: There aren’t many Balrogs left in Middle-earth by the time The Lord of the Rings rolls around. They are dangerous spirits who wield whips of fire.
- Shelob: This enormous spider creature torments Frodo and Sam in The Two Towers (the books, in the movies her appearance is moved into Return of the King).
This is definitely a non-exclusive list and mainly includes those beasts that show up in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings proper. There are other beasts in Middle-earth; we might see some when Amazon premieres it’s own Lord of the Rings show, which is set during the Second Age of Middle-earth, later this year.
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power premieres on Amazon Prime Video on September 2.
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