No matter how you felt about the end of the original Game of Thrones series, no matter what you think about the prequel series House of the Dragon, there’s one thing we can all agree on: dragons are cool.
While the prequel show differs from Game of Thrones in many ways — new families, new conflicts, a new story — dragons will tie it back to the original. House of the Dragon takes place over a hundred of years before Game of Thrones, when dragons were a lot more plentiful. On Game of Thrones they had practically passed into legend, but here they’re everywhere, and their affect on society is an accepted and normal part of life.
House of the Dragon is about a war for the Iron Throne fought between rival factions of the Targaryen dynasty. The name of the war? The Dance of the Dragons. But who are the best dancers? Who are the biggest?
We've had a chance to judge that now, and a thorough reading of George R.R Martin’s Fire & Blood gives us a pretty good idea about the dragons we haven't spent much time with yet. While this list isn’t necessarily detailing the “best” dragons or even the scariest, it will attempt to tell you the BIGGEST.
In Martin’s world, usually, the older a dragon gets, the bigger they get. Who’s the most terrifying and massive monster on House of the Dragon? Here are all the ones we've seen and might see, arranged from smallest to largest. Beware SPOILERS below!
Morghul is a hatchling bound to princess Jaehaera Targaryen, daughter of Aegon and Helaena. Morghul is never ridden and lives the entirety of their brief life in chains in the Dragonpit of King's Landing.
Baby Stormcloud 🥹 #HouseOfTheDragon
— westerosies (@westerosies) July 22, 2024
Stormcloud is a young dragon bound to Aegon Targaryen III, the first-born son of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. We see little Stormcloud in the second season of House of the Dragon. In Fire & Blood, he's bigger by this point, and it's unclear if his fate will be the same as in Fire & Blood.
Tyraxes is special among the baby dragons because they are the only dragon that wasn’t regularly ridden by the prince to which they were bound: Joffrey, Rhaenyra's youngest son by her lover Harwin Strong. After losing her two eldest sons in battle, Queen Rhaenyra forbade Joffrey from riding his mount into war. As a result, Tyraxes was only ever used for transportation purposes.
We haven't seen Tyraxes on the show yet, but he's been mentioned, so we know he exists.
Morning is a she-dragon with pink scales and black horns, a beautiful combination that should be an eye grabber onscreen. Morning is born at the end of the Dance, too late to be used as a weapon or to factor into the conflict in any way. Given her late birth safe in the Vale, Morning is one of only four dragons to survive the war. Even more significant, Morning is the only dragon who survives that is under Targaryen control. Morning is never tested in battle but is an important uniting figure when the Dance eventually reaches a conclusion.
Morning is confined to the Dragonpit for most of her life after the dance. We know she dies, although we don’t yet know the details; those will come when George R.R. Martin releases his sequel to Fire & Blood. In House of the Dragon, we’ll likely see her as a baby.
Hobb the Hewer hews
— Crown_For_A_King (@Crown_ForAKing) January 26, 2021
Shrykos was a young dragon bound to Prince Jaehaerys, twin brother to Princess Jaehaera. Jaehaerys is cruelly murdered as a child in one of the more gruesome events of the Dance, so his dragon is never ridden.
It is said that Shrykos kills a large number of people during an attack on the Dragonpit late in the Dance, but is ultimately struck down by a man known as Hobb the Hewer. The Hewer leapt onto the dragon’s head and drove his axe into Shrykos’ skull seven times, each time shouting the name of one of the seven gods. The Stranger’s blow cut through to the dragon’s brain and ended their short life.
Shrykos grows to below-average size by the time of their death.

Arrax was a bold dragon who never lived to see their full potential. Arrax fought the much older and larger Vhagar during a thunderstorm and never stood a chance. Vhagar tore Arrax’s head clean off his body, which plunged into the seas below. Arrax and his rider Lucerys become the first casualties of the Dance.

The mount of Princess Rhaenyra’s eldest son Jacaerys, Vermax never lives to become a full-sized dragon. However, he still logs a lot of miles, which leads one to believe he still must have been a decent size. Vermax may not be the largest dragon in the sky, but he’s still older and bigger than the earlier ones on this list.
Dreamfyre is a slender, purple she-dragon known for her grace and speed. She had two riders in her life, but on House of the Dragon she's bound with Queen Helaena Targaryen, the sister/wife of King Aegon II (I know, gross, but they’re Targaryens; we’re used to it by now).
Dreamfyre tends to bond with young women who are full of spirit. Helaena first became a dragonrider at the age of 11, but when her youngest son is brutally murdered in front of her, she slips into a dark depression and never flies again. As a result, Dreamfyre is chained within the Dragonpit and fails to grow as big as she otherwise could have.
Tessarion is a blue she-dragon ridden by the young prince Daeron Targaryen, the fourth child of King Viserys I Targaryen and Alicent Hightower. Tessarion is known as the Blue Queen not only for her cobalt and copper scales but because of the distinct blue flames that she rains down on her foes.
Daeron and Tessarion were well loved by their supporters and feared by their enemies. Partway through House of the Dragon season 2, we hear that Daeron hasn't yet ridden Tessarion, so she can't be that large yet. But she and Daeron will go on to have quite a career during the Dance.

Moondancer is a young, fast, and beautiful dragon whose rider, Lady Baela Targaryen, was known for her bravery and free spirit. Although she may not be as large as some other dragons in the sky, Moondancer is able to defeat Sunfyre in single combat and therefore must be larger than many of the other dragons appearing on this list. Her abilities are much stronger in the sky, and she is slender and quick. A graceful flyer with speed and ferocity to match, Moondancer is one of the fastest growing young dragons of her kind.
Sheepstealer is a brown dragon living on the island of Dragonstone, at least in Fire & Blood. She's a decent size and lives through and past the end of the war, meaning she actually gets a chance to grow.
It looks like House of the Dragon has moved Sheepstealer from Dragonstone to the Vale, and Rhaena Targaryen may well become her rider.

Another dragon to outlive many riders, Seasmoke earns a place this high on the list thanks to tales of battle in bravery, along with a significantly long life. Another dragon to live out their days on Dragonstone, Seasmoke is ridden by Addam of Hull, a peasant who finds himself a dragonrider, probably because he's the bastard-born half-brother of Seasmoke's last rider, Laenor Velaryon.
Grey Ghost
As one of only two dragons in this story to never be claimed, Grey Ghost’s battle abilities are pretty much unknown. It’s possible they won’t even appear in the show at all given how little they do for the plot.
Grey Ghost, who got their name from the common folk on Dragonstone, resides within a smoking vent on the Dragonmont volcano. We can only be sure of his existence because his carcass is found towards the end of the war, slaughtered by Sunfyre. Because of this, we can discern that Grey Ghost was not a more formidable foe than the other dragons who we see in battle throughout the war.

Sunfyre is a large, ferocious gold dragon often considered to be the most beautiful to ever live. Before being crippled in battle along with his rider King Aegon II, Sunfyre was growing faster than most dragons and was on track to become one of the largest and most fearsome of all time. After a brutal battle, Sunfyre survives in hiding at a remote fishing village while the war continues. Along with scars along his back and neck and a missing right eye, he can no longer fly.
Yet Sunfyre survives for years with this handicap. This speaks to the sheer size of Aegon’s bonded mount.

Syrax is a large yellow she-dragon ridden by Rhaenyra Targaryen. Rhaenyra is one of the two main claimants to the Iron Throne after the death of her fathers King Viserys, the other being her younger half-brother Aegon. Since so many people are fighting to see her on the throne, she keeps her dragon away from combat as much as possible. Syrax’s most notable achievement is producing several clutches of eggs that could eventually hatch and be gifted to other riders. Syrax’s power waned after difficult births, and she was never truly tested in battle. However, her age means she’s of a decent size, and her mere presence on a battlefield is enough to put fear into the hearts of men and dragons alike.

Meleys is a scarlet she-dragon whose copper scales, horns, and claws earn her the nickname the Red Queen. Once believed to be the fastest dragon in the skies, Meleys is already experienced in battle at the start of the Dance. While she may have grown tired with age, the fearsome she-dragon is not to be underestimated. Meleys is ridden by Princess Rhaenys Velaryon, a grandchild of the good King Jaeherys. One of the first fully-grown dragons to engage in conflict during the Dance, Meleys proves herself far larger and stronger than a lot of the other dragons of the age and is likely one of the biggest.
One of the oldest dragons around at the time of the series and one of only four to survive the entire war, Silverwing is a slender, silver she-dragon who is riderless for the majority of the Dance, living in solitude on Dragonstone. Close in age to Vermithor, it’s safe to assume that Silverwing is of a similar size. She’s less violent, prefers solitude, and is difficult with new potential riders.
The Cannibal
The name says it all. With coal black scales and menacing green eyes, The Cannibal is the oldest and largest of the wild dragons residing on Dragonstone. It’s unknown exactly how old the Cannibal is during the Dance of the Dragons, but it is known that the beast took pleasure in devouring other creatures of its ilk. He would go after younger dragons, dragon eggs, and even the occasional larger beast.
This dragon was never claimed or ridden by any known man or woman. His reputation was so fearsome that no one ever even attempted to claim him.
The idea of a dragon who devours other dragons is horrifying. If the Cannibal is capable of such feats, it’s possible he’s actually the largest on this list. Hopefully the show will settle any doubt.

Caraxes — or “The Blood Wyrm”, as he’s commonly known — is quite possibly the scariest dragon in Westeros since Balerion the Dread. Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith) rode his fearsome mount into more battles than any other dragon currently living, or any other dragon since. He’s a violent creature that should be avoided at all costs. Caraxes is used for blood, fire, and destruction from the first moment we meet him. He’s huge, red, and scary. Like his rider, Caraxes is not a dragon to be trifled with.

Going with the prevailing theory that the older the dragon, the larger, Vermithor is near the top of the list. Vermithor is nearly one hundred years old, bronze, formidable, and battle-tested. He was the trusted mount of Westeros’ most beloved King: Jahaerys the Conciliator. At the start of the series, Vermithor is riderless, and it’s not until much later that he enters the conflict. Past his prime, Vermithor may not be the most formidable adversary in battle, but his age, experience and gargantuan size will make him a treat onscreen.

The last remaining dragon from the days of Aegon’s conquest, Vhagar is the oldest and largest of all living dragons. It’s said that her roar can shake the very foundations of Storm’s End and that one can ride a horse directly down her gullet. Originally ridden by Visenya Targaryen during Aegon’s conquest of Westeros around 100 years before the series starts, Vhagar is now bound to Prince Aemond Targaryen. Aemond wins this great beast’s favor as a child and rides Vhagar to disastrous effect throughout the wars to come.
We likely won’t see all of these dragons up onscreen by the time the series is over, but we've already seen several and there are miles to go.
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