House of the Dragon is HBO’s upcoming Game of Thrones prequel show. The series tells the story of a brutal civil war fought between rival factions of the Targaryen dynasty some 200 years before the events of the original series. It looks dark, complex, and juicy in all the ways that Game of Thrones remember. Will it be as big a hit?
We can find out when House of the Dragon premieres on Sunday, August 21. There are a full 10 episodes, so we’ll be watching the show for a minute. Personally, I’m all for that. I want to talk about the series each week, rather than taking it all in with one gulp.
New episodes will drop on HBO and HBO Max at 8:00 p.m. CST. So the first season will run all the way through Sunday, October 30.
When do new episodes of House of the Dragon come out?
It looks like episodes of House of the Dragon will run around an hour on average, with not much variation we can see at the moment. Perhaps the later episodes will get inflated run-times, but I’m ready for some consistency.
House of the Dragon will also be running around the same time as The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, which premieres on Amazon Prime Video on September 2. That’s a lot of high fantasy action at once!
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