Dragons are in the house! For many Game of Thrones fans, the massive, mythical, fire-breathing monsters were the most exciting part of the show, and HBO has brought them back in House of the Dragon…and how. Not only does the prequel series feature more dragons, it features a lot more. On Game of Thrones, there were only three dragons in the entire world. House of the Dragon takes place at a time where they filled the skies.
We’ve already met several dragons and will meet many more. For anyone trying to keep track, let’s keep a tally going of the dragons we’ve seen on the show thus far, as well as those who have only been mentioned.

After its opening sequence, the first thing we see on House of the Dragon is Rhaenyra Targaryen riding her dragon Syrax. A she-dragon with yellow scales, Syrax is fierce but spends most of her time chained up and is very well fed and cared her. She’s as close to a house pet as a dragon can get. She’s also capable of laying eggs and producing new dragons, which could important important in the wars to come.

Caraxes the Blood Wyrm
Earning his nickname for his long neck and blood-red scales, Caraxes is very dangerous in combat. This is a dragon built for war, as we saw in the Stepstones. In that way, the dragon matches the rider, Daemon Targaryen, who is also a combative sort.

Seasmoke is introduced in the third episode of House of the Dragon, “Second of His Name.” Though he’s never named in the episode, fans of George R.R Martin’s book Fire & Blood will recognize this silver-grey dragon laying waste to the Crabfeeder’s army pirates.
Seasmoke is ridden in battle by Laenor Velaryon, the eldest son of Lord Corlys and Lady Rhaenys Targaryen. Since Laenor is half Targaryen, he received a dragon egg in his cradle at birth. After Laenor faked his own death, he is riderless.

Mounted by “the Queen Who Never Was”, we only got a brief glimpse of the fierce red she-dragon soaring across the Narrow Sea in Episode 5, “We Light The Way.” Rhaenys Targaryen’s fearsome dragon is widely considered to be one of the fastest beasts in the sky, and though she’s grown old over the years, she is a battle-ready companion that should not be trifled with.

The largest living dragon in Westeros was finally introduced in Episode 6, “The Princess and the Queen.” And she does not disappoint. Vhagar is not only MASSIVE, but visibly old and full of personality. There was something truly moving about Vhagar when her rider, Laena Velaryon, begged her to engulf her in fire. Laena asked about Vhagar way back in Episode 2. Now we’ve seen that journey come full circle.
Laena also died in Episode 6, meaning that Vhagar was open to a new rider. In Episode 7, she was claimed by young Aemond Targaryen. In the season 1 finale, Vhagar killed the much younger and smaller dragon Arrax.

This small green dragon is bonded with Jacaerys Targaryen, Rhaenyra’s eldest son. We saw Jacaerys using Valryian commands on this beast.

Lucerys Velaryon’s young dragon is first spotted in the season 1 finale flying through the skies alongside Vermax, who’s much bigger than when we last saw him; and Meleys. Unfortunately, this swift beast’s life is cut tragically short at the end of the episode, becoming the first of many dragon casualties in the coming civil war.

Though not mentioned by name, Moondancer is the dragon of Baela Targaryen, the daughter of Daemon and Laena. Baela’s twin, Rhaena, mentions her sister’s dragon in a scene with her mother, which means Moondancer is out there somewhere, soon to be shown on screen.

The terrifying monster that Daemon sings a lullaby to in the caves of Dragonstone? That was Vermithor the Bronze Beast. Once the mount of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen (the old man from House of the Dragon’s very first scene), Vermithor has been living riderless on Dragonstone for years. Now he’s needed and will have a huge part to play.
Dreamfyre has been mentioned only once: Daemon took an egg that Dreamfyre had laid in Episode 2.
But Dreamfyre the dragon is out there, even if we haven’t met her. She is riderless at the moment. Previously ridden by Rhaena Targaryen, Dreamfyre currently resides on Dragonstone, where she’s laid a collection of eggs for future Targaryen riders. A gorgeous, blue she-dragon with silver crests and pale-blue wings, Dreamfyre will likely make an appearance later in the series when she’s mounted by Princess Helaena Targaryen, the daughter of King Viserys and Alicent Hightower.

Sunfyre the Golden is known as the most beautiful dragon in the world. It is ridden by Aegon Targaryen, Viserys and Alicent’s eldest son. Aegon already has good control over the dragon, according to the man who works in the Dragonpit.
When Aemond ventures into the depths of the Dragonpit in Episode 6, he comes face to face with dragon, but it’s hard to know if it’s Sunfyre or Dreamfyre.

Balerion the Black Dread
Fans of Game of Thrones are familiar with the greatest dragon to ever wreak havoc upon the Westeros: Balerion the Black Dread, whom Aegon Targaryen rode when he conquered the Seven Kingdoms. Balerion’s massive skull still sits below the castle at the time of Game of Thrones, but is in a place of honor in House of the Dragon. King Viserys was Balerion’s last rider before he passed, and every dragon since has lived in the shadow of this ferocious beast.
This article will continue to be updated as more dragons appear throughout the series. Prepare for fire and blood.
There are also a few dragons that have been mentioned but not seen. These three dragons have never had a rider and live wild on Dragonstone:
Grey Ghost
Named for their misty features, Grey Ghost is the second largest of the wild dragons on Dragonstone. This creature keeps to itself, hiding in the mountains and rarely seen by the island’s inhabitants.
A muddy brown dragon who earned their name by doing exactly that: stealing sheep. This dragon is known to keep to itself and only bother those who get in its way.
The Cannibal
Known to feast on the carcasses of dead dragons, hunt smaller dragons for sport, and devour dragon eggs for breakfast, the Cannibal is the largest of the wild dragons and should not be trifled with.
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