Episode 5 of House of the Dragon is titled “We Light The Way,” in honor of the motto of House Hightower. As the last episode before a significant time jump, we might expect the writers to cram lots of events into this one, but the full hour is mainly dedicated to the betrothal of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon. All the changes that will be happening in the interpersonal relationships between the characters in the next decade have already been set in motion, and we can easily skip the next 10 years without missing too much.
Fire & Blood by George R.R. Martin chronicles events from a historical perspective, but it does fill us in on some of what happens during this period, so some things will either be moved back in time or be mentioned in passing. As for this episode, there are some slight timeline changes, just as in the previous episodes. Let’s walk through some of how “We Light the Way” changes things from Fire & Blood.
Criston Cole’s big gesture
In the episode, Criston Cole asks Rhaenyra to run away with him on the ship returning to King’s Landing from Driftmark. In the book, he proposes to her before she sets sail. When she heads to meet her betrothed, Rhaenyra and Criston have already had their falling out and she’s already picked a new champion and favorite, Ser Harwin Strong, whom we’ve only seen in passing on the show so far.
King Viserys himself traveling to Driftmark to ask Corlys and Rhaenys to give Laenor in marriage to Rhaenyra is an addition of the show. Corlys especially was not going to easily forget nor forgive how Viserys had set aside Laena’s hand. Even years later, the Lord of the Tides refuses to welcome his King upon his arrival as custom would demand. Princess Rhaenys lightened the mood for this scene.

Alicent Hightower goes green
Criston Cole’s confession to Alicent about his affair with Rhaenyra wasn’t in the book, but it’s one of those events that might have happened and shaped history; it just wasn’t recorded as it took place behind closed doors. The last scene where she saves him from taking his own life is also an addition, and a good one that will serve to strengthen their bond; during the time jump he will become her sworn protector.
Alicent finally dons her iconic green dress this episode rather than at the feast for her and Viserys’ fifth anniversary. For the sake of show-only fans, I appreciate the way her silent statement is verbalized by Larys Strong: green is the color of “the flame of the High Tower [when it] calls its banners to prepare for war.” We’ve seen Alicent wear a lot of red and black so far, but we can now officially say goodbye to Targaryen colors. She’s a Hightower first and foremost.

The late Mrs. Daemon Targaryen
At the top of the wedding feast, Viserys announces seven days of celebration in honor of Rhaenyra’s betrothal. In the book, Criston Cole kills Ser Joffrey Lonmouth with his morning star during that tourney. We never get to the tourney in the show, as Criston attacks and kills Laenor’s lover with his bare hands during the feast in a much more gruesome and unhinged way. As a consequence, and because Viserys’ health is deteriorating, and also since Daemon showed up at the feast, Rhaenyra and Laenor are married in a quick and private ceremony that very night, in front of their immediate families only with Joffrey’s blood still on the floor.
Daemon is still in the Stepstones at this point in Fire & Blood. In HOTD, we see him kill his wife, Lady Rhea Royce. In the book, we’re only told that she died of a hunting accident, which always sounded a little suspicious. In the book, she actually regains consciousness before she passes; if her husband had tried to murder her, she would’ve told somebody.
At any rate, Daemon shows up to Rhaenyra’s feast and she herself challenges him to elope with her. Before that, Daemon doesn’t miss the opportunity to flirt with Lady Laena Velaryon, now grown up and truly her parents’ daughter considering how easily she plays the game. They’ll be married next time we see them after the time jump.

Episode 5 is when we say goodbye to the young actors playing teenage Rhaenyra and Alicent, as well as teen Laenor and Laena, so huge congratulations are in order to them on such spectacular performances during the first half of the season.
Are you happy with the changes? Let us know!
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