Welcome to the final three episodes of Vox Machina season 2! And what a way to close this chapter: tons of gore, misty-eyed moments, stressful stretches, and our heroes kicking some major Chroma Conclave ass. Season 2 did a fantastic job continuing the adaptation of Critical Role’s Vox Machina campaign and sets thing up for a third and possibly more intense season to come.
Let’s give a quick SPOILER WARNING before we talk about the last three episodes of the season: proceed with caution.

Vox Machina Episode 10: “The Kill Box”
We pick back up with Vax, Vex, Keyleth and Percy going through the portal to Tal’Dorei that Garmelie/Artagan opened for them. They reunite with their friends in Whitestone, who were worried about them as they hadn’t heard from them in three weeks, even though they were in the Fey Realm for only three days.
Thanks to Allura, they are able to find Grog, Scanlan, and Pike in Westruun, where a brutal fight between Grog and Kedvak is underway. Thank goodness they show up just in time to help, as Kevdak was ready to dispatch our two favorite gnomes along with Grog.
Grog gets the best line of the episode as he summarizes these final three episodes: “Vox Machina! FUCK SHIT UP!”

What an epic battle and win for our favorite Big Boy! It was so satisfying watching Grog split Kevdak in half. The fight is incredibly brutal and gory, especially the impaling scene. As painful as it looked, it was the perfect way to set up a Rage attack from Grog, who finally realizes his strength comes from his friends. That’s not something a Goliath would normally say, especially not one from the Herd of Storms. As Grog figures this out, his strength returns, undoing the work of the evil sword Craven’s Edge.
After defeating Kevdak and taking the Titanstone Knuckles for himself, Grog reclaims some respect from the herd and makes his cousin Zanror Thunderlord of the Herd of Storms. What a beautiful story about… family… love?
The herd and our heroes return to Whitestone and celebrate this crazy fight. Watching the herd scratch their heads while Percy explains how his trap works made me giggle.

Turns out Kaylie and Scanlan have more in common than just being gnome bards. Like father like daughter, eh? The beauty of this moment is that Scanlan really does feel bad and like he needs to change, especially now that he’s found out he has a daughter. Maybe this is something Scanlan needed to ground himself and shift his priorities.