The news broke this week that HBO has yet another new Game of Thrones spinoff in development, this one about Aegon I Targaryen’s conquest of Westeros. Set roughly 300 years before Game of Thrones, this Aegon’s Conquest prequel would see the first Targaryen ruler of Westeros conquer six of the seven kingdoms alongside his sister-wives Rhaenys and Visenya, fly the largest dragon in Westerosi history Balerion the Black Dread, and forge the Iron Throne.
With the success of House of the Dragon, it’s no surprise that HBO is considering more spinoff options. And that means yet more hard-to-pronounce names on the Targaryen family tree. If you find yourself befuddled by a name like Aegon, we’re here to help.

Aegon pronunciation
There have been a lot of characters named Aegon throughout Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. George R.R. Martin reveals in his Song of Ice and Fire novels that there were five different rulers with this name. On TV, we’ve met Aegon II on House of the Dragon. Jon Snow’s name is technically Aegon. Daenerys also had a nephew named Aegon, who was killed during Robert’s Rebellion.
But should the Aegon’s Conquest show come to pass, we’ll meet the most famous of them all. As such, it’ll be important to know how to pronounce his name. Aegon is pronounced “egg-on.”
This is part of why the young Targaryen squire in George R.R. Martin’s Dunk & Egg novellas has the nickname he does, because “Egg” is a shorthand his loved ones use for “Aegon.”
Here’s hoping that the story of Aegon the Conqueror is told one day on HBO. And if it is, you’ll be prepared.
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