The best episode in each Game of Thrones season

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Game of Thrones roared into our lives back in 2011, becoming not just a TV show but a cultural behemoth. From “Winter is Coming” memes (and the perfect name for the best website ever, wink wink) to very spirited debates about who should sit on the Iron Throne, its impact was felt far and wide, both online and in coffee shops. You knew something was up when even your grandmother had an opinion about the fate of Jon Snow or was humming the iconic theme song. Heck, Game of Thrones-themed weddings even became a thing!

But why did Game of Thrones enchant us so much? One can’t help but think about the episodes that made us jump off our couches, either in joy, shock, or sometimes the urge to yeet our remotes at the screen or even defenestrate the TV entirely. These episodes, at least one from each season, teased us, surprised us, and sometimes left our jaws on the floor. Ah, the magic of a good plot twist before David Benioff and D. B. Weiss ruined it all in the eighth season.

Whether you’re a die-hard fan looking to reminisce or a newbie wondering where to start, diving into the best episodes from each season can be a little challenging; people have different opinions, after all. Mount your dragons, sharpen your swords, and get ready for an epic journey through Westeros to take a look at what I think are the best episode from each season of Game of Thrones.

Let’s go Dothraki on this list, shall we?

Game of Thrones season 1: Episode 9, “Baelor”

“Baelor” is the sort of episode that turns casual watchers into Game of Thrones addicts. You’ve been sailing smoothly through the season, getting to know the noble (and not-so-noble) folks of Westeros. You’ve probably even chosen your favorite characters; ah, big mistake. And then, my sweet summer child, BAM! Just when you think you’ve got a grip on the story, “Baelor” throws a curveball so wild even the Night’s Watch didn’t see it coming from the Wall.

The execution of Ned Stark, who for all appearances was the main character of the show up until this point, isn’t just a “wait, what just happened?” moment; it’s the jaw-dropping scene that had us all gasping for breath. This is where Game of Thrones shows its true colors, and early on: this is not a gentle show. It will crush you.

Some episodes give you dragons and some direwolves, but “Baelor” gives us pure, unadulterated drama. It’s the kind of episode that sets the water cooler on fire the next day, where everyone’s either sobbing into their morning coffee or frantically drawing conspiracy theories on napkins. And just like that, we learned to never get too comfy in our seats while watching Game of Thrones.