Invincible, Prime Video's animated adaptation of Robert Kirkman's beloved superhero comic, is coming back for its third season, and this time there isn't going to be a big stupid break in between. The second season premiered back in November of 2023, but fans only got the first four episodes before the series went on hiatus, with the back four only starting up in March of 2024. Pretty much no one liked that, so this time Prime Video is being more straight-forward.
Prime Video will drop the first three episodes of Invincible season 3 all at once on Thursday, February 6. After that, episodes will come out every Thursday until the third season wraps up on March 13. Here's the full schedule:
- Invincible Episode 301: Thursday, February 6
- Invincible Episode 302: Thursday, February 6
- Invincible Episode 303: Thursday, February 6
- Invincible Episode 304: Thursday, February 13
- Invincible Episode 305: Thursday, February 20
- Invincible Episode 306: Thursday, February 27
- Invincible Episode 307: Thursday, March 6
- Invincible Episode 308: Thursday, March 13
Prime Video has a habit of releasing the first three episodes of any given new season of TV all at once. I personally wish it would just put out episodes one per week without this kind of dump — I like watching an episode, turning it over in my head for a few days, and then enjoying the next one — but I know other people would prefer all the episodes be dropped at once so they could binge them, so maybe this is a nice compromise.
As for what's actually going to happen on the show, the second season of Invincible left a lot of balls up in the air. Mark Grayson had just killed Angstrom Levy, his first arch-enemy. He was torn up about it. That's probably a feeling he'll have to get used to as agents from the tyrannical Viltrumite empire set their sights on Earth. Meanwhile, Mark's father Nolan — who used to be an unapologetically brutal Viltrumite — is out in deep space in the middle of an existential crisis.
We'll pick up on all of that, although the trailer for season 3 focuses mostly on the conflict between Mark and Cecil Stedman, the government bureaucrat who wants to use Mark as a tool to fight back the Viltrumites...and make sure he doesn't become a threat himself. Mark and Cecil are technically on the same side, but things get complicated:
Then there's Mark's mom Debbie, his friend Atom Eve, the new Guardians of the Globe, and other errant plotlines. In just a couple seasons, the show has developed a very rich world for itself, and if Robert Kirkman has his way, we'll be delving into its nooks and crannies for many years to come:
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