4 Things Final Fantasy VII Rebirth does so right that it hurts

Let's take a look at four specific things this incredible game got so right that it's actually kind of painful.
mage: Square Enix.
mage: Square Enix. /
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - ©2024 Square Enix /

Evolution of real-time combat and tactical elements

Imagine you're swooshing your sword with Cloud or casting spells with Aerith, and suddenly everything feels smoother, like butter sliding off a hot pancake. That's the magic of Rebirth's combat system.

Building on the already mind-blowing hybrid combat system of its predecessor, Rebirth kicks things up a notch. It throws you into a fight where every punch, spell, and limit break flows together in a mesmerizing dance of destruction. It's not just about mashing buttons anymore; it's about crafting a ballet of battle where strategy, timing, and a flair for the dramatic come together. You'll be setting up combos that would make a pro gamer nod in respect and using the environment to your advantage, making each fight not just a battle, but a spectacle. This is combat evolved, where fluidity meets fun, and every encounter is an opportunity to be your own kind of hero.

The cherry on top is undeniably the character-specific mechanics and smarter bad guys. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth doesn't just give you a sword and a spell book and say "Here, improvise"; it gives each character a toolbox bursting with unique toys. Cloud's not just a guy with a big sword anymore; he's a one-man army with moves that'll have you grinning with delight. Tifa? She's not just fast; she's a whirlwind of fists that'll leave enemies dizzy with defeat. And the magic? It's like painting with a palette of cosmic power.

But what's a hero without a worthy villain? The baddies in Rebirth are no longer just speed bumps on your road to glory. They're cunning, they're fierce, and they'll test every trick you've got. It's not just about how hard you hit; it's about how smart you fight, and that can be bit of a learning curve for some (hi, it's me, I'm some).

Every battle is a chess match, and you're playing 3D chess with magic and might. Welcome to the new age of combat, where every fight is a story, and you're the author.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth key art
Image: Square Enix. /

Expansive and detailed environments

Stepping into the vibrant, sprawling world of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth takes you on an adventure that stretches beyond the horizon, and every path leads to a new discovery.

Gone are the days of following a straight line from one plot point to the next. Instead, you're given the keys to a vast open world brimming with life and mystery. Picture yourself wandering through lush forests, scaling towering mountains, and running around in bustling cities, each corner of the Planet teeming with stories waiting to be uncovered. This isn't just about moving from A to B; it's about the journey, the side quests that feel like main events, and the sheer joy of bumping into characters with tales that weave seamlessly into the fabric of your adventure. It's as if the world itself is inviting you to explore every nook and cranny, promising that the more you explore, the richer your experience becomes.

As you traverse this beautifully chaotic world, you find yourself in awe of the diversity it offers. From the frostbitten lands that chill to the bone to the arid deserts that test your resolve, each biome is a realm of its own, full of challenges. The cultures you encounter are just as varied, offering up a plethora of stories that bring the world of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth to life. Imagine negotiating with traders in a market that's a melting pot of the world's cultures, or learning a secret technique from a master living in a secluded village. Every region promises a unique experience, not just in visuals but in its people, their customs, and the secrets they guard.

Rebirth isn't just a game; it's a world tour within your grasp, offering a slice of life from corners of a world you've only begun to explore.