House of the Dragon fan animates Vermithor and Silverwing burning down King's Landing

The second season of House of the Dragon will have way more dragon action than the first. One fan is way ahead of the game:
House of the Dragon Episode 10 Vermithor
House of the Dragon Episode 10 Vermithor

At the end of the first season of House of the Dragon, Daemon Targaryen visited a cave on Dragonstone. He put down his torch, started to sing in Valyrian, and faced down Vermithor, one of the oldest and biggest dragons then alive in Westeros. Vermithor was the dragon ridden by King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, who reigned over Westeros longer than any other Targaryen monarch. Vermithor hasn't had a rider for years, but with on the horizon between Daemon's wife Rhaenyra and her half-brother for control of the Iron Throne, it may be time to bring him out of retirement.

If you've read the book Fire & Blood by George R.R. Martin, you know that's exactly what happens. At some point in the second season of House of the Dragon, Rheanyra, Daemon and their team will hatch a plan to find riders for the riderless dragons hanging out on Dragonstone. Vermithor ends up being claimed by a man named Hugh Hammer, to be played by actor Kieran Bew. And Hugh isn't the only "dragonseed." There's also a guy named Ulf White who ends up claiming Silverwing, a dragon once ridden by King Jaehaerys' wife Alysanne. Ulf will be played by Tom Bennett.

We won't spoil exactly what Hugh and Ulf get up to once they have dragons under their control. But one fan on Reddit — known simply as unity5games — animated a video of what it would look like if Vermithor and Silversing decided to torch the city of King's Landing. For obvious reasons, I'm guessing this made in the Unity engine, and it looks great!

To be clear, Vermithor and Silverwing never torch King's Landing in Fire & Blood, and we doubt the show will take that much of a detour from the source material. It makes for a great video experiment, though. Unity5games seems to have a yen for animating dragons. He also made a video showing the Cannibal -- a wild dragon who lives on the island of Dragonstone and who got his name by eating other dragons -- on the hunt. Watch that one here.

And there's more! This fan also animated what it looked like when King Viserys I Targaryen took his last flight on the dragon Balerion, and what it was like when Viserys' ancestor Aegon Targaryen burned the castle of Harrenhal. And here's a rendering of young Aemond Targaryen wandering around Driftmark, where a great many dragons gathered in House of the Dragon Episode 7:

Unity5games, please keep the videos coming! And there will be plenty more dragon action to inspire fans in season 2, which is due out on HBO and Max somtime this summer.