Writers revealed for "bigger and smarter" second season of Star Wars: Andor

The second season of Andor will also be its last. At least the best Star Wars TV series will go out like a legend.
Star Wars: Andor's Bix Caleen portrayed by Adria Arjona. Image credit: StarWars.com
Star Wars: Andor's Bix Caleen portrayed by Adria Arjona. Image credit: StarWars.com /

The second season of Star Wars: Andor is still a ways away, because quality takes time. The first season aired in 2022 and surprised everyone with how sensitive, detailed and intense it was; finally, a Star Wars show that didn't lean on the Jedi to move the story along, that felt as mature and sophisticated as fans have said they've wanted for a long time.

Star Adria Arjona (Bix Caleen) has been doing a great job of hyping up the second season. "I’m so scared to talk about Andor," she recently told Harper's Bazaar. "But all I can say is that this second season is just so much bigger and smarter – and it even surprised me."

The first season of Andor was divided into discrete three-episode arcs. The second will follow suit, showing us how Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) embraces being part of the Rebel Alliance until he's where we find him at the start of the movie Rogue One: a committed freedom fighter standing tall against the Empire.

Dork Side of the Force has done some investigating and found out which writers are writing which arcs in season 2. It breaks down like this:

  • Episodes 1-3 will be written by series creator and showrunner Tony Gilroy.
  • Episodes 4-6 will be written by Beau Willimon. Williams wrote the prison arc from season 1, probably the high point of the show so far.
  • Episodes 7-9 will be written by Tony's brother Dan Gilroy. Dan wrote the Aldhani arc for season 1.
  • Episodes 10-12, the final arc of the series, will be written by Tom Bissell, who is new to the show. Bissell has written for video games series like Uncharted and Gears of War in addition to publishing books and working extensively as a journalist and critic.

We don't know exactly when the second and final season of Andor will come out — smart money is on sometime early in 2025 — but we're certain it will be worth the wait. In the meantime, the new Star Wars show The Acolyte is airing right now. It's a little more prosaic than Andor, but is getting decent marks from critics, even as fans complain about things like fire burning in the vacuum of space. Still, the show has fans speculating, which is usually a good sign that people are into it:

Next. Fans seem convinced they know the identity of the Sith Lord on The Acolyte. Fans seem convinced they know the identity of the Sith Lord on The Acolyte. dark

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