The Wheel of Time book club: Our heroes search for ter'angreal in A Crown of Swords

A Crown of Swords focuses on the search for a ter'angreal that will help the weather, and Rand battle yet another Forsaken. Beware MAJOR SPOILERS below!
Zoë Robins as Nynaeve al'Meara in The Wheel of Time. Image courtesy of Prime Video.
Zoë Robins as Nynaeve al'Meara in The Wheel of Time. Image courtesy of Prime Video.

A Crown of Swords is the seventh installment in the massive The Wheel of Time book series, and it deals with the fallout of the intense ending of the previous book, Lord of Chaos

The Battle of Dumai's Wells, where the Shaido Aiel attacked the Aes Sedai sent to capture Rand al’Thor by Elaida in the White Tower, is one of the more climactic endings in the series. During the battle, Rand escapes from the box in which he was folded up, and his Asha’man join the battle, wreaking great havoc among the Shaido. Perrin brings an army to rescue his friend.

The fallout is mainly focused on the Dragon Reborn’s relationship with the Aes Sedai. He’d been warned over and over not to trust them, even by Moiraine. Between Alanna bonding him without permission and Aes Sedai capturing and torturing him, he knows he can’t trust any Aes Sedai beyond Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne.

Rand demands oaths of fealty from the Aes Sedai sent by the Little Tower in Salidar and gives them to the Aiel Wise Ones as apprentices. He also gives the women involved in his capture to the Wise Ones for them to do with as they want.

Points of view in A Crown of Swords

As was his wont, Jordan spreads out his points of view in this book. Mat, Perrin, Rand, and Egwene combine for Nearly 60 percent of the book is told from the perspectives of Mat, Perrin, Rand and Egwene, with Nynaeve, Min, and Elayne accounting for another 15 percent. Twenty-four characters combine for the remaining 25 percent.

Many of these other characters are minor, but by giving them a voice, however briefly, Jordan lets the readers see the big picture and what Rand’s enemies are doing and thinking. Some readers may have trouble wading through this sea of characters, as some are so insignificant they soon disappear from the story. Still, most of these check-ins with other characters are kept brief and don’t bog down the narrative much.

Egwene as the Amyrlin Seat in A Crown of Swords

When Egwene was named the Amyrlin Seat for the Little Tower, she was initially shocked. Soon, it became clear that she was only placed in that role because she had the prerequisite strength in the One Power, and she could be easily controlled because of her youth and inexperience. It also helped that she was tied to the Dragon Reborn. It is frustrating for her.

In this book, Elayne sends Nynaeve, Elayne, Aviendha, and Mat to Ebou Dar to find an artifact that can help with the weather that’s been touched by the Dark One. 

Otherwise, Egwene is playing a waiting game until she can assert her authority as the Amyrlin Seat. She’s learning as much about her role and the history of the women who wore the stole before her, but it is a slow process.

Searching in Ebou Dar

The most interesting parts of A Crown of Swords take place in Ebou Dar. Elayne and Nynaeve know that whatever they seek is there because they sensed it in the World of Dreams, but they are unsure what it is or where it is hidden. Mat becomes the sexual pet of the queen.

Elayne and Nynaeve establish their authority over older, more experienced Aes Sedai, and discover a large community of women who can channel. These women either left the White Tower without completing their training or never went to the Tower but can still channel. There are over a thousand known. Elyane and Nynaeve decide to bring them to Egwene and promise them a place in the Tower. They are shocked that many of the older Kin, as these women call themselves, are older than almost all of Aes Sedai.

The Bowl of Winds, a ter’angreal that will help change the weather, is more challenging to locate than the group hoped. Nynaeve makes a deal with the Atha’an Miere to help them use the Bowl when they find it.

Of course, the Black Ajah and the Forsaken are also looking. Moghedian has escaped Salidar and is furious over her captivity. She spots Nynaeve on a boat heading to visit the Sea Folk and tries to kill her using balefire. Luckily, Lan, the love of Nynaeve’s life, arrives just in time to save her life.

They finally locate the Bowl, and Mat convinces them they must leave immediately. They are torn between their need to use the Bowl of Winds, with the help of the Sea Folk and the Kin, and their need to escape Ebou Dar as soon as possible.

Another Forsaken Falls

Rand seems to be lounging around Cairhein, recovering from his ordeal. In fact, he is biding his time until he can get all of his pieces where he needs them. He is trying to surprise and trap Sammael, who has installed himself himself as the ruler of Illian.

Rand draws the Forsaken away from Illian, then attacks the palace by making use of Travelling. Sammael returns at once and battles with Rand. The Dragon Reborn thinks he has killed Sammael, but isn’t sure.

Rand dons the prickly Crown of Swords and assumes the throne of Illian, adding yet another kingdom to his growing collection.

The Wheel of Time book club:

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