Lena Headey joins the cast of Danger Mouse, gives birth


Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) has had a busy couple of days. First off, the British actress has signed on for a part in the BBC’s remake of Danger Mouse, an animated children’s TV series that ran for over a decade—it debuted on the BBC in 1981 and wrapped up in 1992. Headey will be playing U.S. Secret Agent Jeopardy Mouse.

Oh, I should have mentioned that the show revolves around a bunch of mice who get involved in James Bond-like spy shenanigans. Cute, right? The show will debut on CBBC, the BBC’s kid’s channel, in the fall.

Headey is excited about the role. “I wanted to do it because it was pure nostalgia for me,” she said. “I have children now and it’s just a treat to be involved in something that you loved as a kid and be able to share it.”

Speaking of children, Headey recently gave birth to a baby girl. We don’t know the name yet, but Headey tweeted the good news on Friday.

Presumably, Headey fell “in unconditional heartbreaking divine love” for the first time when she gave birth to Wylie, her five-year-old son.

This provides Headey with a pretty good excuse for why she wasn’t on the Game of Thrones panel on Saturday, although I don’t think she was going to show up regardless. In any case, congratulations to Headey. May her children fare far better than Cersei’s.

H/T Variety, Los Angeles Times

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