Game of Thrones Theorycraft: The “P” that was Promised


Discussing Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire theories past the point of sanity is something that we fans of George R.R. Martin’s work are quite famous for. From extremely well-thought-out and eloquently-worded blogs, to fantastically fun Subreddits, and even YouTube videos, the theorycrafting has become a rite of passage into this wonderfully weird club. Sometimes the theories are rather good, and others…well, let’s just say that time traveling fetuses should be left to those rabid few who have legitimately jumped the shark.

One of my personal favorite theorycrafters can be found on YouTube under the name Alt Shift X. If you’ve ever had the great pleasure of watching any of their videos, then you know that they tend to lay out each Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire theory in simple terms, so new fans can and old hats alike can enjoy themselves.

Their latest video, “Ser Pounce = Azor Ahai: will Tommen’s kitten save Westeros?” is a lot of fun. Watch it to the end, but I urge you to do so with the understanding that there is a much larger message at issue. Enjoy!

The Pounce that was Promised! In all seriousness, this is a great exposé on how fans of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire tend to blow every little bit of information out of proportion, and in doing so come up with some hairbrained ideas. Please George, give us another book soon. It’s only going to get worse from here.

Next: Game of Thrones Theorycrafting: Who actually wrote the Pink Letter?