Emilia Clarke Clarifies Her Disparaging Remarks About Sex Scenes


A few days ago, Emilia Clarke gave an interview in which she came out pretty anti-sex scene for someone who is on Game of Thrones. Talking about sex scenes on screen, she said that “I’m British, so I cringe at that sort of thing anyway — I can’t stand it.” She elaborated: “‘Most sex scenes you see in films or on TV are gratuitous and they’re usually just to attract an audience…On screen, the subtler the better.”

Her comments seemed a little surprising, considering, but at the same time, Clarke has always been the more demur actress. There were rumors that she told Benioff and Weiss she wouldn’t do nude scenes after the first couple of seasons. The quote about “wanting to be known for my acting, not my breasts” was attributed to her. She also famously turned down the lead role in 50 Shades of Grey because she wasn’t comfortable with doing the sorts of scene that happen in the book. (But actually don’t happen in the movie, but never mind.)

It turns out that anti-sex scene quote was taken out of context, though. It certainly explains why the quote didn’t reference Game of Thrones. In fact, as she clarified yesterday on Instagram, she wasn’t talking about Thrones at all.

And her dragons will take it up with anyone who thinks otherwise.

(For those who are wondering, the “outlet she didn’t agree to speak with” is the The Daily Mail, which has the nickname “The Daily Fail” for a reason.)

Next: Game of Thrones meets Vikings, vampires, Shakespeare