Cast members, Unsullied seen in Peñíscola as filming in Meereen begins


The Spanish city of Peñíscola continues to transform into Meereen, as more cast members and extras crop up and the sets become ever more elaborate. Let’s start with the Unsullied—that’s a pic of a few of them above from El Periódico Mediterráneo.

Here we see two Unsullied soldiers on break. This is the first of many tweets from Todo Peñíscola, which is doing a great job of covering the Essosian invasion.

I think we all know who that is.

David Benioff, Dan Weiss, Nathalie Emmanuel, Conleth Hill, and others gather in a restaurant for a group photo.

Tyrion and Varys observe the teeming masses in Meereen. The bare-chested guy in the center of the frame looks like he’s still wearing slave accoutrements, or maybe that’s just a really elaborate necklace.

Game of Thrones fan Dragons and Direwolves, who’s currently in Peñíscola, also has some great shots. Here’s a long-distance one of Tyrion and Missandei in costume.

Who indeed?

Dragons and Direwolves has a couple of tweets about the granary set in Meereen. When combined with his tweet about “starving Meereenese” below, it makes me think the city could be in store for a food shortage.

Might an encroaching army be cutting off Meereen’s food supply? Something like that does happen in A Dance with Dragons, when soldiers from Yunkai make it difficult for people inside Meereen. One wonders. One also wonders who this lady is:

Here’s a clearer shot of the granary set.

Finally, here are a couple of shots of extras from the Peníscola photoblog on Facebook.

Next: The Small Council: What was the best part of Game of Thrones Season 5?

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