…Jon Snow’s resurrection and subsequent adventures. And it wasn’t even close. It wasn’t even close.
“I am loved.”
I mean…good god. Over half the votes were for a single storyline. As commenter Phil Necro said:
"The question should be this:What are you most looking forward to in Game of Thrones Season 6 besides Jon Snow’s possible resurrection and marching ”south”?"
Sounds about right.
[polldaddy poll=9252838]
This shouldn’t come as a huge surprise, though. Theories about Jon’s potential resurrection have dominated the Game of Thrones news cycle since Season 5 ended, and it makes sense that people want vindication. As commenter Ellen put it:
"I’m with everyone else, I’m looking forward to what happens to Jon Snow. I’m also curious if we’ll finally get any sort of reunion between some of the Stark siblings. Jon, Sansa, and Rickon all seem to be in the same area so it’s possible."
Man, it would be cathartic to see some of the Stark kids back together. They’ve all been through a world of crap since splitting up, and I’d love to see them commiserate with each other. Even if the reunion involves Rickon, the least developed of the Starks, I’d still be eager to see it.
Jon may have taken the lion’s share of votes, but people were interested in the return of Bran Stark as well, although part of that interest seems to be spurred by the fact that he’ll likely use his powers to give us a look at what happened at the Tower of Joy toward the end of Robert’s Rebellion. Per popular theory, this scene will tie back into Jon Snow’s backstory, so all roads lead to Jon.
King Kunta made an interesting comment about Bran:
"Seeing Bran again should be cool, but they have to be careful with how fantasy-like the show starts to get because I can see plenty of people walking away from a political drama show to one that is now about dragons, white walking zombies, and wargs. Hope they know what they’re doing."
I think this is a salient point. We’re entering a new era for the show, one where magic elements like dragons, White Walkers, and weirwood visions are going to become a bigger part of the narrative. Commenters like Andrew are afraid that the more fantastical elements will push the scheming and politicking into the background, and while I’m as eager as anyone to see those uppity southron lords get a load of the White Walkers, the political and historical angles were what distinguished Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire from other fantasy sagas. Will a battle for the dawn between humanity and a race of ice monsters make it too much like other good vs evil stories?
We’ll have a better idea come April, which is a few scant months away. It’s all happening, and sooner than you may realize.