And the as-yet unseen book character fans most want to see in Game of Thrones Season 6 is…

…Lady Stoneheart. Pause for shocked gasps.


[polldaddy poll=9274412]

Lady Stoneheart, for the two or three people who still don’t know, is the name given to Catelyn Stark following her miraculous resurrection by Beric Dondarrion towards the end of A Storm of Swords. Fans have been hoping she’d turn up ever since Catelyn Stark died at the Red Wedding in Season 3. Thus far, it hasn’t happened, and given comments from people involved with the production, it seems doubtful that it ever will. Fans keep hoping, though. “Stoneheart 100%” said commenter Damien. “The results of this poll couldn’t be clearer; how can HBO continue to ignore her?”

Obviously, a lot of people share that opinion, but there are also a lot that don’t. “A big NO to LSH appearing,” said Patch. “Only one resurrection this season, please! It takes away from the seriousness of the Red Wedding if the most major character who died there comes back to life!”

If I had to guess, I’d say fans will be having this debate until the last episode of the last season of the show. Personally, I side with those who think Stoneheart is better off left on the page. I think bringing her in at this point, so long after Catelyn’s death, would throw off the flow of the narrative, and there are a lot of meatier plots the producers need to pay attention to.

I say that, of course, not having read The Winds of Winter. For all we know, she plays a major role in that book and the story won’t be the same without her, but that leads to a whole other debate, so we’ll leave it here.


Elsewhere, commenters pointed out some of the poll’s oversights. Firannion and Gaia rightly wondered about the absence of Marwyn the Mage, an intriguing side character from A Feast for Crows. Hopefully Sam will meet up with this alternatively minded maester when he reaches Oldtown in Season 6. Athelstan, meanwhile, brought up Barbrey Dustin, a embittered Northern lady who’s holding a grudge against the Starks. She shares a conversation with Theon Reek while inside Winterfell in A Dance with Dragons. Since Theon left Winterfell at the end of Season 5, it seems unlikely she’ll turn up, but who knows? Maybe she’ll lend men to the Bolton cause.

Another option left off the poll: N/A. Commenters like Young Dragon and RobOSevens were happy to let the showrunners trim characters from the novels. I’m so used to assuming that fans would prefer the producers adapt the material as faithfully as possible that this obvious option slipped my mind.

Heading into Season 6, we know less about what’s coming than ever before, both because we’re beyond the printed materials and because the producers have become more comfortable making their own calls. More than ever, anything could happen, and it could happen to just about anyone.