Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game is coming

There will surely be a lot of Game of Thrones fanatics happy with this news. Fantasy Flight Games has created Thrones-themed games before, specifically Game of Thrones: The Board Game, a strategy game that pits players against each other for control of the Iron Throne. It’s fun, but dense, with a 32-page rulebook.

For fans unwilling to invest that kind of time, Fantasy Flight has something new on the way: Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game.

Game of Thrones is a show that rewards close watching, and people who are into it can’t help but amass a wealth of knowledge that’s sort of useless in most situations. This game, however, could provide fodder for game nights for years to come, and provide those people with an outlet.

However, note that this isn’t your average trivia game. According to Cat Miller, the international co-printing coordinator of board game publisher Asmodée, “[t]his is a trivia-based game, but also has a board game strategy component to it.” Players compete for control of key locations on a map of Westeros, and gain more influence by answering questions correctly. In a more advanced mode, they can compete to gain the allegiance of “powerful character cards” that can help them along. It sounds a fair bit more involved than drawing a card, answering a question, and keeping track of how many you get right.

Also, the game’s questions don’t go easy on players. Miller, who has read the books and watches the show, had trouble with some of them, and described the game as “a little on the difficult side.” It should also be noted that the questions cover the show only. There are no book-specific questions, although some toy with players by asking about events that play out different on the show than on the books.

In other words, it sounds like a trivia game that stays true to the spirit of the show: punishing and complicated. Game of Thrones fans like a good challenge, though.

Fantasy Flight Games says the trivia game is “Not Yet Available,” but notes that it’s “on the boat,” meaning that it’ll be out soon. Amazon says that it’ll have the game in stock on April 15, just before Season 6 begins. This could be a great way to shake out the cobwebs ahead of the premiere.

h/t iDigitalTimes