Humor roundup: Game of Drones, Game of Cats, and Some Assembly Required


It’s Tuesday, February 16, and this is what it feels like to power through a slow Game of Thrones news day. That’s right, folks: get ready to have your earholes tantalized by the boorish sounds of Game of Drones: a Game of Thrones podcast that prides itself on actually trying to put people to sleep. According to i09 the official description of the podcast is thus:

"Can “Game of Thrones” help you fall asleep? Tonight it will, as I analyze the show using progressive boredom to lull you off to dreamland. Game of Drones is a “Game of Thrones” podcast that’s part bedtime story and part high school class you can’t stay awake for. Don’t watch “Game of Thrones”, don’t worry this will put you to sleep anyway."

There are over 100 episodes of Game of Drones on iTunes, and they are all but guaranteed to get even the staunchest of insomniacs through the toughest of nights. Here, take a listen, and I dare you not to fall asleep. Warning: DO NOT LISTEN WHILE DRIVING OR OPERATING HEAVY MACHINERY!

Wha…what? Oh, still here? Okay, well…next up, we’ve got something truly delightful, as a violinist plays the Game of Thrones theme while felines frolic and play. I’m not sure if the beastly dance is supposed to mirror the deadly war for Westeros…perhaps Mr. Mittens represents House Lannister and Whiskers is House Stark, as they lock together in a mortal embrace. Well, that or they are just really hopped up on catnip.

Finally, from the hallowed pages of the Game of Thrones subreddit, we have a rather funny piece of artwork, depicting who I am assuming is the great conqueror himself, Aegon Targaryen, as he peruses the aisles of his local Ikea.

We’ve all been there, a piece of furniture looks fabulous at the store, and then we get it home and the myriad of boxes and packages of screws is enough to turn even the most professional of engineers into an alcoholic who screams profanities at the cats while the violins play in the background.